  • 學位論文


Use Internet Signal to Establish Search and Experience Products Website Trust

指導教授 : 嚴秀茹


對於新興或小型網路零售商而言,由於缺乏著名網站的品牌優勢,建立消費者對網站的信任因此成為主要挑戰之一。過去研究已證實網站安全標章及個人隱私政策是建立網站信任的有效訊號,而本研究從網路訊號以及資訊豐富理論,提出建立網站信任之訊號,主要研究議題包含: 1) 探討電子場景、媒介豐富以及個人資訊來源等三種網路訊號是否增加消費者信任; 2) 雙重訊號在建立信任上是否優於單一訊號? 3) 上述訊號之效應是否因為產品類性為搜尋或者經驗性產品而有所差異。本論文進行兩項實驗分別檢測上述研究問題。實驗1探索電子場景對建立網站信任的主效果,以及產品類型的調節效果,而實驗2則檢視媒介豐富與個人資訊來源對於建立網站信任的主效果以及產品類型的調節效果,並進一步探索僅使用單一訊號和同時使用媒介豐富及個人資訊來源兩種不同訊號是否會影響建立網站信任的效果。研究結果顯示,本研究提出之三種網路訊號對於建立網站的信任都有正面效果,而產品類型主要調節媒介豐富對信任之影響,最後,使用雙重類型訊號的加乘效果需視單一訊號是否為媒介豐富而定。


Due to the lack of branding equity, building consumer trust has been one major challenge for newly established online retailers. Prior studies have shown that security logo and privacy policy as the effective signals to assure consumer trust of the online retailers. Building upon the signaling theory and information richness perspective, this study proposed three new signals, namely e-scape, Media richness and personal information source. Specifically, this paper examined the following three issues. First, do the three signals increase consumers’ trust of the online retailers? Second, whether the presence of two different categories of signals project stronger effects on trust than one single signal? Third, does the characteristics (searching vs. experience) of the product moderate the effects of trust signals? Two experiments were conducted to examine these issues. The 1st experiment examined the effects of e-scape and the moderating effects of product characteristics, while the 2nd experiement examined the main effects of media richness and personal information, the moderating effects of product characteristics, and the influences of double signals. The results in general support the main effects of the three trust signals. Product characteristics only moderat the influences of media richness on trust, while projecting two signals may not result in higher trust while the single signal projected is media richness.


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