  • 學位論文


The Performance Analysis of Taiwanese notebook PC manufacturers

指導教授 : 何應欽


臺灣筆記型電腦產業稱霸全世界,因為全球大約有87%的產值是由臺灣筆記型電腦廠商所貢獻,不論是在產量供給或品質的提升都有優異的表現,也為台灣創造了大量的就業機會。然而,近年來此一產業亦面臨嚴峻的考驗。雖然2000年的換機潮後,桌上型電腦的需求減緩,但因低價電腦開始流行,加上筆記型電腦的研發技術日益進步、生產成本也不斷降低,使得筆記型電腦的需求量反而逐漸增加,過去筆記型電腦高單價、高毛利的情形已不復存在。因此,臺灣筆記型電腦廠商勢必採取因應策略,例如進行多角化經營,以分散風險。本文針對臺灣主要筆記型電腦廠商進行績效分析,除了找出造成企業績效不佳的原因外,並希望藉此提供廠商策略調整時的依據。 本研究採用資料包絡分析法分析2003年至2005年間,9家以生產筆記型電腦為主要營收來源的廠商,藉由我們指定的投入要素與產出的過程可以發現,造成廠商營收不佳的來源為何,廠商可根據此一分析來調整投入要素的使用,同時亦可觀察其他廠商當前的資源配置效率。最後,再藉由Malmquist生產力指數來觀察此一不效率的來源在研究期間的變化。 經由我們的分析發現,規模較小的廠商不效率的情形較嚴重,且大多來自員工雇用過多,而規模較大的廠商可能得利於規模生產或集資能力較佳之故,呈現較佳的效率,但以MPI分析時,華碩卻意外的發生了效率大幅波動的情形。


Taiwanese notebook PC manufacturers have stand on the No. 1 position in the globe supply, because 87% notebook PC in the world were made by Taiwan. These manufactures have excellent performance in the quantity increase and quality improvement of Notebook PC and also provide a lot of job opportunities for people in Taiwan. However, these notebook PC producers are facing different challenges, resulting in shrinkage of profitability. After the wave of PC replacement in 2000, the demand for the desktop PC had slowed down; but the low-price PC began coming in the market and on the other hand, the notebook PC manufacturers kept improving the production skill and reducing the production cost. Therefore, the demand for the notebook PC grows up progressively. In this case, neither the unit price of notebook PC nor the profit from notebook PC manufacturing is high. Consequently, these notebook PC producers adopted some strategies, such as, diversifying the range of products to reduce the risk. In this research, we use DEA and MPI to analyze the performance of 9 main notebook PC manufacturers in Taiwan during 2003 to 2005. By using the input variables and output variables we choose, we hope to find out the causes of bad performance and then help these producers adjust their strategies based on the causes. Eventuality, the conclusion points out that the smaller firm’s scale, the less efficient and the problem might come from too many employees. When the manufacturer’s size was larger, it often showed more efficient. But ASUSTeK Computer Inc. is an exception; it showed dramatic change during the study period.


Notebook PC DEA MPI


周士雄,2000年,2001年,2002年,2003年 ,我國筆記型電腦產業產銷分析,資策會市場資訊中心。
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