  • 學位論文


The Study on the Letimacy of the BOT Scheme of Sewerage System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李建中


近代各國推動民間參與公共建設,其概念係源於1980年代前後由英國柴契爾政府所倡導的民營化(Privatization)概念,目的為改善國家財政日益困窘、兼具持續推動公共建設與服務。公共建設民營化的途徑很多,主要精神乃是期望藉由引進民間資金與活力來投入公共建設,並透過私部門企業經營與管理能力,提升公共服務績效。近年我國政府推行民間參與公共建設案屢生爭議,主要是對民間參與公共建設的誤解。普遍認為民間參與公共建設即是政府不必出錢,由民間自行籌資後負責興建,以後再由使用者付費或其他開發利益中回收,具自償性的案件。   污水下水道系統為現代化國家之重要基礎建設,更是我國在各項國際競爭力評比中亟待加強項目。在民間參與污水下水道系統案例中,政府以對價方式長期購買污水處理服務;然而依據污水下水道第3期建設修正計畫,以「促進民間參與公共建設法」第八條第一項第一款BOT方式辦理民間參與污水下水道系統,容易引起如下爭議: (1)民間參與污水下水道系統屬於公益性高自償性低之公共服 務,性質和BOT模式實不相同。 (2)受到「促進民間參與公共建設法」施行細則第三十三條之限 制。   本文藉由國內外相關文獻回顧、案例之比較分析,探討我國「促進民間參與污水下水道系統建設方案」在引用促參法源上,是否當歸屬促參法第八條第一項第一款BOT方式辦理。並對於此類公益性高、自償性低之民間參與公共服務案件,提出本研究所獲致之適法性及修法建議。


The modern day concept of the private participation for infrastructure projects began in UK the 80’s. The purpose for private participation in infrastructure projects is to reduce the financial burden of government, and to continue delivering infrastructure projects and public services. The main idea of Infrastructure Privatization is utilizing the private sector’s capital, technology, efficiency to advanced performance of infrastructural services. Several of the BOT projects implemented in Taiwan have created a good amount of disputes about the Private Participation mechanism in Infrastructure recently. The main reason is the misunderstanding on the Private Participation in Infrastructure. The common understanding here on private participation in infrastructure projects has led to an impression that, in these cases, the public sector will not need to put up any investment or only need to invest on a small scale. Sewerage system is an important infrastructure item for a modern society. In the case of private sector participation in sewerage system project in Taiwan, the public sector procures the long-term public service which is provided by private sector. According to the Phase III Sewerage Construction Program, to be carried out from 2003 to 2008, the private sector participation in sewerage system project adopts the first item of the Article 8 of the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects, which means ”The private institution invests in the building and operation of the infrastructure project, and upon expiration of the operation period, transfers the ownership to such infrastructure project to the government” or the BOT scheme in short. This has caused numerous disputes due to: 1. The sewerage system project is a public service, which has high public welfare and low Self-Liquidation Ratio. The nature of such a project using private participation scheme should be different from the concept of BOT. 2. The Private Participate scheme proposed may violate the Article 33 of the Enforcement Rules of Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects. This study focuses on the legitimacy of the private participation scheme of sewerage system in Taiwan. Through literature review and case studies on foreign and domestic projects, the legal background of the scheme is analyzed and the possible legitimate means to procure long term public services are pointed out. Some idea on the revision of the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects are discussed and suggested.


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