  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林子銘


光纜產業在1999年被視為最熱門的產業但不到三年時間,其價格從最高價美元125多元/公里跌到15元/公里。光纖產業可以用坐直昇機上,坐升降梯垂直下降來作比喻。個案研究對象雖然身為發明家但在前景黯淡的環境中,卻逆向思考將POF光纖與紡織業結合創新出光纖的新應用,因此個案研究對象將試著探討科技型創業家具有的人格特質及成功之道。 Betz(1993)認為創新與發明的分界點便是在於商業化過程,創新必須將新產品或服務與市場連結,為企業帶來利益。此外從過去文獻中發現某些成功科技型如愛迪生、亨利福特皆有之注意力缺失症(Attention deficit disorder, ADD)之特質。個案研究對象成功地從發明家轉型為科技型創業家,也因此探討ADD與創新之間是否有其關連性。 本研究目的希冀藉由個案研究對象的創業發展歷程,將研究者的創業歷程以個案描述的方式來進行,並透過人格特質、心理測驗與微觀的實證研究,來探討、暸解科技型創業家的個人特質以及ADD對創業家的影響,藉由實證研究之結果,提出適當的解釋與建議。 研究結果發現要成為科技型創業家的歷程,是需要不斷的累積與加強管理方面的智能。科技型創業家擁有過人的專業技能,管理企業的成功關鍵因素卻不是因為專業技能,而是人際、自省智能。原本是缺陷的ADD 對於科技型創業家具有相當大的幫助,具ADD之發明家在專心於發明工作時同時腦筋也已設想到未來產品在商業上的規劃。從發明家想轉變成創業家,不應只侷限在實驗室裡,應效法ADD之優點要涉獵於多方面的知識,使自身跳脫出專業領域而跨進商業領域。


The optical fiber industry was one of the hottest industries in 1999 as people perceive the telecommunication revolution will bring this optical fiber into the infrastructure. However, in less than three years, the optical fiber business was almost collapsed as the price of the optical fiber falls dramatically In the extreme pessimistic situation, an entrepreneur thinks differently and with genuine inventing mind, he create a new application of optical fiber in weaving industry. This provides an excellent opportunity to study the mind of a technical inventor and entrepreneur. How can he transform his mind from a technical inventor into a business entrepreneur successfully? Betz (1993) thinks that innovation must connect new products and new service with market, bring new business interests to enterprises. However, although technical inventors are some kind of genius, they usually can not jump over the barrier into the realm of being a successful entrepreneur. From literature, this study finds out that in the past some successful technical entrepreneurs such as Edison and Ford had ADD (Attention deficit disorder). Will this kind of mental disorder enables them to think out of their technical field into business world? First, through a thorough interview, this study finds out how does the technical entrepreneur thinks. Secondly, this study adopts a series of psychological tests to find out his special characteristics in decision style, multiple intelligence, value systems, and most important of all, his ADD before 15 years old and now. The result of research shows that a successful technical entrepreneur needs to accumulate his mental power and interpersonal relationships to enable him to jump over the barrier between the technical world and business world. It is the interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, not technical skill, which make a successful enterprise. ADD inventors should take advantage of his attention deficiency to enable him to study many aspects knowledge, to think and act not according to the norm of other majority, and to jump from technical domain into the business domain.


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