  • 學位論文


Employee''s Non-Financial Reward Preference

指導教授 : 張東生


本研究係分析探討員工對非財務激勵報酬的偏好,以提供作為組織於設計非財務激勵報酬時的參考,研究方法採用經常應用於新產品或服務設計時了解消費者偏好的聯合分析法,組織激勵方案的設計中目前尚未有人應用聯合分析法探討員工之偏好,因此本研究係聯合分析法的一新種應用。 經過文獻探討、實證研究及前測問卷分析資料彙整後,選定滿足員工自我實現及成就感需求、促進工作環境和諧氣氛及增進同事情誼、使員工努力付出之成果得到肯定、讓績效優異員工得到讚揚、額外的退休年金保障及保險計劃、提供員工自我成長及提昇與發展等六項非財務激勵報酬屬性及其分別擁有的2-3項水準後進行受測體的設計及正式問卷的擬定與施測。 本研究之正式問卷共發出140份樣本,在扣除無效樣本數後,獲得122份有效樣本。在人口統計特徴等初步分析及描繪後,透過聯合分析法求得整體受測者對非財務激勵報酬的偏好結構,其結果以「讓績效優異員工得到讚揚」、「促進工作環境和諧氣氛及增進同事情誼」、「提供員工自我成長、技能提昇或升遷發展的機會」及「使員工努力付出之成果得到肯定」等屬性較受重視,而較不重視的屬性則為「滿足員工自我實現、成就感及責任感之需求」及「提供額外退休年金計劃保障及保險計劃」。另依性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、工作年資、職位、教育程度、職業身份及月收入情形等人口統計變項分群以聯合分析探討其偏好,結果顯示不同族群所重視的非財務激勵報酬屬性的前四位與全體受測者相同,但排列順序則因族群不同而有差異。


This research is analyzed and conferred on the employee preference of non-financial reward, and provides the blueprint of financial reward to the organizations. The analytical method introduces the application of new products or services by the conjoint method of consumer preference. None of people have used the conjoint method to confer the financial reward on the employee preference in the organization, so this research will regard as a new application with the conjoint method. According to the research of questionnaire and documents from other researches, there are six non-financial reward factors, such as the self-satisfy or self-actualization of employees, the good working environment and nice relationship between co-workers, the identification for the employees, the reward for the well-done employees, additional retire annuity and insurance plan, and the self-development of employees. Moreover, the result of questionnaire can contain more than two of these kinds of factors will suitable to support this research analysis. There are total 140 samples of formal questionnaire, and after deleting the invalid samples, the valid samples will remain 122. Therefore, according to the result of statistic of questionnaire, we obtain the preference structure of the non-financial reward by the conjoint method. The factors of the reward for the well-done employees, the good working environment and nice relationship between co-workers, the self-development of employees and the identification for the employees will be more valuable, on the other hand, the self-satisfy or self-actualization of employees and additional retire annuity and insurance plan will be invaluable in this research. Also, this research find out that the variation causes on the gender, age, relationship, salary, positions, education and career will affect the range of the top four valuable factors.


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