

印尼山口洋(singkawang)是客家華人聚居的地區,此地的客家人來自大陸原鄉地區,由於與當地原住民長時間來往接觸,並受到荷蘭時期殖民的影響,逐漸形成其特有的音韻現象與詞彙使用習慣,成為今日的山口洋客家話。本文即以此為研究對象。 本論文主要分為七個章節,第一章緒論,說明本論文的研究動機與目的、研究內容與方法、文獻探討、歷史背景概述。第二章介紹山口洋客家話的語音系統。第三、四章主要是山口洋客家話歷時和共時的音韻比較。分別就聲母、韻母、聲調部分來探討今日山口洋客家話自中古音以下的語音演變及發展。其次,將山口洋客家話與其他客語次方言做共時的比較,歸納山口洋客家話的語音特點。第五章為音類關係的考察。在相同韻攝中,由於聲母發音部位不同,使得韻母有不同的表現;在不同韻攝中,聲母的發音部位相同,韻母會有相同的表現形式。第六章介紹山口洋客家話的特殊詞彙。語言經過歷史變遷及長時間的使用而產生詞彙消失、融合、改變及創新的現象。第七章結論,透過研究比較後得知:山口洋客家話的音韻、詞彙有存古,也有創新的一面。


Singkawang (West Kalimantan, Indonesia) is populated mainly by the Hakkas who migrated from Mainland China. Due to long-term language contact with the aboriginal languages in Indonesia, and the influence by Dutch during the colonial era, Singkawang Hakka possesses some peculiar phonetic phenomenon and vocabulary. This thesis is divided into seven chapters. Chapter One is the Introduction, which includes the research motive and purpose, research method, literature review, historical and linguistic background. Chapter Two deals with the phonology of Singkawang Hakka.Chapter Three and Chapter Four focus on the diachronic and synchronic comparison. Using Middle Chinese as a reference point, we analyze the characteristics of initials, finals, and tones of Singkawang Hakka and its historical development. Secondly, we will compare Singkawang Hakka with other Hakka dialects in China and Taiwan in order to sum up the phonetic characteristic. Chapter Five is the investigation of the sound relation. In the same rhyme group, because the points of articulation of initial are different, make the finals have different form. In different rhyme groups, the same points of articulation of initial have the same final form. Chapter Six introduces the special vocabulary. As languages develop, the meanings of words can change all the time. And the words disappear, blend , change and innovate.Chapter Seven is the conclusion. Through comparison:the phonetic and vocabulary of Singkawang Hakka are stored anciently and innovation too.


李恩涵 2003《東南亞華人史》,台北市:五南。
楊時逢 1992《臺灣桃園客家方言》,臺北市:臺灣商務總經銷。
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邱湘雲 2005 <海陸客家話詞彙、句法特色舉隅>,《臺灣語言與語文教育》,第6 期:
張屏生 2001 <台北縣石門鄉武平腔客家話的語音變化>,《聲韻論叢-第十一輯》,台



