  • 學位論文


psychological preferences of job characteristics (work values), job characteristics, work morale, life satisfaction

指導教授 : 陸洛 林文政


個人與工作間的契合(person-job fit)對工作者的態度與行為有較佳的預測力。但有關契合的概念,較少著墨於所提供的工作與員工個人需求的配合。故此,本研究一方面欲探討台灣民眾普遍的工作價值觀為何之心理層面問題?另藉由Edwards(1991)的個人與工作契合之模型,探討工作者之工作價值觀與工作現況之間是否存在不一致或落差等不契合狀況,進而討論工作價值落差對個人之工作士氣與生活滿意度的影響究竟為何? 研究工具乃依據Super(1970)之「工作價值觀量表」及其他學者的相關建構,將工作價值觀與工作現況各分為七個項目,分別為:工作保障、高收入、升遷機會、工作有趣、工作獨立、可幫助人與回饋社會,並以自陳式量表方式施測。 樣本資料來自於台灣地區社會變遷基本調查計劃以1122位台灣全職工作者為施測對象。研究結果發現以下五點: 1.工作價值觀會因為個人之性別、年齡、教育程度、社會地位、婚姻狀況、總工作年數、目前單位年數與工作類型的不同而有所差異。 2.整體工作價值觀與工作現況之間的總落差部分,皆顯示其對於工作滿足、工作承諾、離職傾向及生活滿意度具有解釋力。 3.單項的七個落差項目顯示了對依變項的預測因子包含:(1)「工作滿足」:保障落差、收入落差、升遷落差與有趣落差。(2)「工作承諾」:保障落差、收入落差、有趣落差與助人落差。(3)「離職傾向」:保障落差。(4)「生活滿意度」:保障落差、升遷落差與有趣落差。 4.過與不及皆有所不妥,就結論而言「供需平衡」在各個依變項上是最好的,其結果優於「供過於求」或「供不應求」。 5.透過CFA分析工作偏好、作現況以及工作價值落差此三個構念。接著利用SEM得到精簡模式,提供了一個前趨性的結構方程模式分析。


The person-job fit has pivotal effects on employees’ work attitudes and behaviors. The purpose of the present study is thus two-fold: to describe psychological preferences of job characteristics (i.e., work values) among Taiwanese employees; to examine the effects of lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics on employees’ work morale and life satisfaction. Our analyses were based on data from the 2005 Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS), which had a nationwide representative sample of 1,122 individuals with full-time employment. Both personal preferences and actual job characteristics were measured basing on Super’s (1970) Work Values Scale, along seven dimensions: job security, income, promotion, interesting work, independence, helping people, and benefiting the society. Main findings are as below: 1. Job preferences were related to gender, age, education, socioeconomic status, marital status, work experiences, current job tenure, and employment types. 2. Overall lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics had negative effects on employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment, life satisfaction, and positive effects on employees’ turnover intention. 3. Lack of fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics along dimensions of job security, income, promotion, and interesting work had negative effects on employees’ job satisfaction; those along dimensions of job security, income, interesting work and helping people had negative effects on employees’ organizational commitment; that on job security had negative effects on employees’ turnover intention; those along dimensions of job security, promotion, and interesting work had negative effects on employees’ life satisfaction. 4. Overall, the fit between personal preferences and actual job characteristics produced the best results on employees’ work morale and life satisfaction, while the over-supplied fared better than the under-supplied. 5. Confirmatory factor analyses supported the construct validity of psychological preferences, actual job characteristics, and work morale. The presumed causal relations linking the person-job fit to work morale was also supported by structural equation modeling analyses.


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