  • 學位論文


Knowledge Management And System Design On Maintaining Data Warehouse Performance

指導教授 : 許智誠


資料倉儲資料庫的執行效能,一直以來都是資訊單位很重要卻也很受挑戰的一個工作重點,由於資料倉儲的規模都相當的大,執行效能的調校並不容易。因此本研究設想提出一個改善方案,可以把任職資料倉儲部門多年大家紀錄下來的效能改善知識做有系統的整理,再參考其他專家學者效能調校的經驗知識,利用知識樹建構成一個知識管理系統,並將之分門別類。 本研究認為資料倉儲執行效能改善的知識之組織,得由一些容易直接觀察的特性來做最高層次的分類,這些容易直接觀察的特性至少應包括:可直接觀察到的系統現象(包括作業系統及資料庫系統)、使用者的查詢特性(包括動態報表、即興查詢)及作業方式(批次或即時)。依此原則及與專家文獻,我們初步將將效能問題歸類為五個主題,分別有作業系統、資料庫、動態報表、即興查詢、批次作業五項主題。把這些知識架構起來,讓知識容易分享,讓所有的使用者或系統管理者容易找到經驗分享、思考方向或是解決方案,降低因效能不佳引起的負面影響。 本研究更進一步將這些知識整理起來,對於部份知識加以量化及條件化,然後與企業裡常有的效能監督系統連結。如此每當資料倉儲系統有執行效能上的問題時,相關的效能監督系統的量化資料也同時存在,這個資料能與量化及條件化的知識做比對,進行自動警示或者建議可能採行的相關知識。這是以前的知識管理系統上並沒有做到的,但是對專注於資料倉儲的知識管理系統,這是很可行的,因為資料倉儲有約八成的資料庫工作是重複性的。


知識管理 資料倉儲


The data warehouse performance has always been an important and challenged task For MIS (Management Information System) department, Due to theist scale, it has always been difficult to tune data warehouse performance, especially in the enterprise level. This research aims at providing a solution based on skills of knowledge management to improve the data warehouse tuning. This research collected many verified performance tuning knowledge and expert experiences, then organize them into a suitable knowledge structure, and finally create a knowledge management system. This research divides the performance tuning knowledge into several high level subjects based on the different sources that the performance problems result from. They include, at least,“Operating System,”“Database Management System,”“Dynamic Report,”“Ad Hoc Query” and “Batch Job.” Able to organize and share the knowledge allows all users and/or system administrators to easily find the suitable knowledge or experience for their cases on hand. This also encourage them to further contribute their expertise and experiences after benefiting from ths knowledge management systems. This research also tries to quantify some of the knowledge case in order to use the raw data from real-time “Performance Monitor System” to create a real-time knowledge recommendation system for potential problems occurring in enterprise data warehouse. When some potential performance issues occur, the quantification condition associated with knowledge case is automatically matched with the data from real-time “Performance Monitor System.” This may determine problem and warn related persons to give them some suggestion action based on the knowledge in the knowledge systems. This peculiar design feature has never seen before in knowledge management system. It is a feasible solution, because about 80% jobs were duplicated in data warehouse.


knowledge management data warehouse


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19. 網路資料:Tim Gorman:Tuning the Data Warehouse According to its Usage:
