  • 學位論文


Acupuncture and pain in the rat model of pain measurement system

指導教授 : 張榮森


本論文主要目的是提出一新的痛覺量測系統(BBVS),它能夠量化分析出在針刺大鼠陽靈泉和在相對應遠絡點止痛後的皮膚振動跟腦部葡萄糖代謝變化 疼痛和止痛的研究特別在動物上總是有技術上的問題。在動物和小嬰兒上,疼痛不能直接被測量,而只能藉由觀察他們對疼痛刺激的反應來估計,除此之外,由於動物不能直接用語言來溝通,因此,疼痛無法藉此來評價,當動物和小嬰兒藉由大聲喊叫或者用哭泣來反應所受到的刺激,這毫無疑問的表示他們正感到非常的疼痛,換句話說,如果在某個時刻,動物和小嬰兒沒有顯示出明顯的體徵或是行為,那麼便很難去判定他們沒有感受到任何疼痛,因此我們架構出ㄧ個新的腦和體振動量測系統,藉由雷射三角去測量受到針刺給痛後肌肉振動,和使用微正子電腦斷層造影(Micro PET)去定量分析腦部葡萄糖的代謝反應,這個新方法能定量的分析疼痛變化,同時,藉著使用相同的系統,我們能在止痛點的按壓後來測量出疼痛強度變化;而由於遠絡相應穴位經絡治療法能阻止疼痛的刺激,因此拿來做此系統止痛的疼痛研究。由數據所得到結果,說明了腦部葡萄糖代謝量和痛點肌肉振動,會隨著針刺和在止痛點止痛有所改變,因此這個腦和體振動量測系統(BBVS)是ㄧ個能量化分析痛覺的好選擇


The main purpose of this paper is to build a novel method to quantify the extent of nociceptive responses by using a our BBVS system. After induce a needle pressure stimulate on Yang Ling Quan of the left hind leg of a male mouse and then alleviation on the instep of left hind leg CMT points , the muscle vibration and Brain activity variation in mice was monitored and analyzed. The study of pain always have technique problem: specially in awake animals. Philosophically, pain cannot be monitored directly in animals and the young baby but can only be estimated by examining their responses to nociceptive stimuli. However, such responses do not necessarily mean that there is a concomitant sensation. In addition, the absence of verbal communication in animals is undoubtedly and obstacle to the evaluation of pain. There are circumstances during which there can be little doubt that an animal and the young baby is feeling pain-notably when it is responding to stimuli through vocal responses such as squealing groaning or crying. On the other hand it is far more different to verify that at a given moment, an animal and the young baby feel no pain because it is presenting no typical physical signs or overt behavior. Therefore, we developed a new approach :BBVS(Brain Body Vibration, System) to measure the nociceptive responses by monitoring the paint point muscle vibration (by Laser) and the Brain reaction(by Pet). This new approach will quantitatively express the degree of pain.By using the same system we can measure the degree of reduced pain.The CMT(Collateral and Meridian Therapy) is often considered an appropriate model for clinical pain studies because such therapy can stop nociceptive stimulus effectively.The result showed that Brain wave activity and paint point muscle vibration change according to induce a needle pressure stimulate and the later CMT point alleviation. Thus, the BBVS system could be a good choice for quantitive analysis pain.


Laser triangle Yang Ling Quan BBVS CMT MicroPET


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