  • 學位論文

3-D Moire表面監測系統於中醫把脈的應用

3D Moire Surface Monitor System using in Pulse Diagnosis of Chinese Medicine

指導教授 : 張榮森


論文摘要: 本論文主要在發展一套量測物體表面微小高度變化的監測系統。藉由光學量測的優勢,本系統擁有非接觸、非破壞、操作簡便、檢測快速、設備成本低廉等多項的優點。 量測系統利用了光學疊紋(Moiré)的干涉技術,以一套自己撰寫的MATLAB計算程式,自動化判斷疊纹條纹的位置並紀錄條紋變化的週期量,計算出待測物表面任一位置的地形高度與其高度位移量。系統將拍攝的疊紋影片匯入這套高度位移計算程式以後,程式首先利用數位灰階的極值準確定出條紋所在位置,再針對固定分析點紀錄該點條紋變化的情形,最後使用數位內插法細切條紋間的間距增加量測解析度;以上三個步驟成功地使得表面高度的計算過程得以自動化程式處理,減少疊紋量測的操作複雜度,完成一套量測快速並且能隨著時間紀錄高度變化的表面監測系統。系統也利用精密的干涉測距儀與函數產生器,對量測結果做一個完整的校正,將位移量測的精準度控制在十微米以內,頻率量測的精準度也達到小數點兩位赫玆以下。 系統進一步運用疊紋特有的全場性量測的特性,將單一點的監測推展到整個表面,可以檢測出待測物表面的地形輪廓以及高度位移量隨著時間變化的三維圖形。結合前段所述的單點位移檢測程式,使本系統能對物體表面做更有效率的監控與檢測。 本文第二部分則是將此疊紋監測系統應用在中醫的脈診上,依照中醫師把脈的步驟,以本系統的表面量測能力來輔助中醫師指尖的觸診,對手腕內側寸、關、尺三脈的位置(中醫把脈位置)做脈搏跳動的量測與紀錄。系統可以量測出皮膚表面因脈搏跳動而振動的波形並且計算出其振幅與頻率,量測結果與另一驗證過的雷射三角測脈儀比較相當一致,證明了本系統在脈搏的量測上確實可行。 最後,將系統量測與中醫脈診理論結合,以本系統對待測者不同生理狀況的做了一個簡易的把脈實驗,量測出其脈象確實有明顯的改變,符合中依古書的說法,成功地完成了中醫把脈的數據化,並證實了本系統在結合中醫理論以後,確實能對身體臟器的運行狀況做一個基本的脈象診斷,也將系統升級成一套非接觸式、快速診斷身體狀況的醫療輔助系統。


Abstract- The main purpose of this paper is to present an optical measurement system to monitor and measure the height and micro-movement of the surface. By the way of optical characteristic, our system provides lots of advantages such as non-contact, non-invasive, fast running, and easy to setup. Using the shadow moiré combing with the MATLAB program designed by myself, the out-of plane displacement of the surface can be calculated by the change of the moiré fringe, and monitored with the time rapidly and automatically. Second, we enhance the ability of system to measure the contour map at the same surface. Third, taking advantage of the regional measurement of the moiré, we enhance the analysis from one point to a line and an area. Thus, we indeed set up a 3D surface monitor system which can catch the situation of the surface entirely and more efficiently. The second purpose is to design of the pulse measurement system by the moiré measurement system given above. According to the steps of pulse diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), we can catch pulse waveform, which caused from the vibration of our skin at the three points on the wrist called Chun , Guan, and Chy point. The result data is verified by another pulse measurement system called laser triangulation system. And further, we try to experiment the pulse diagnosis with theory of TCM and prove the ability of our system to reveal the physiology of our body indeed. It also shows that our system is feasible to assist the pulse measurement in TCM and succeed to become a non-contact and quick-to- use bio-medical instrument.


Pulse Diagnosis Surface Measurement Moire


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