  • 學位論文


Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities – A Study based on the Social Capital Theory

指導教授 : 范錚強


對於尋求時尚流行、美容保養資訊的民眾而言,網路無疑是一種既快速又便利的取得資訊來源,透過彼此使用、購買經驗分享與傳授,由使用者主動提供的資訊知識不斷地累積擴散。近年來資訊科技與網路技術的發展,使得虛擬社群蓬勃發展並彰顯了潛在價值,《數位時代》的二○○八年「台灣Web一百」網站榜單裡,社群網站高達二十一個,強勢問鼎第一大類型網站,更突顯其重要性。虛擬社群的發展與社群內資訊或知識內容息息相關,而關鍵在於內容吸引力。擁有豐富的社群內容,來將人們連結在一起,並持續不間斷地互動,才能讓社群富有永續經營的生命力並進階帶動商業活動,產生多方價值。因此,如何吸引網友一次次瀏覽該網站並且主動貢獻分享知識,讓社群內容吸引力啟動循環,是社群網站經營者關切的議題。 本研究以社會資本理論來探討虛擬社群知識分享意圖與行為之研究,並深入探討社會資本結構、關係和認知三構面彼此間的相互關係。本研究將「互惠規範」、「認同」和「信任」作為影響「知識分享意圖」之前置變數;「社會互動連結」為影響「互惠規範」、「認同」和「信任」之因素;且「共享價值」則影響「認同」和「信任」;最後,本研究將「知識分享意圖」和「會員年資」作為直接影響「知識分享行為」之變數。 本研究以頗具代表性的虛擬社群 Fashion Guide之會員作為研究對象, Fashion Guide是個以美容時尚流行為主之虛擬社群,在《數位時代》的二○○八年「台灣Web一百」網站榜單裡,從流量、停留時間、不重複人數排名得知,其是個具有代表性的虛擬社群。本研究以「問卷調查法」進行資料的蒐集,共蒐集388份樣本,使用 LISREL與 SPSS來進行 SEM資料分析,以檢驗本研究模型和相關假說。研究結果發現,虛擬社群成員之「知識分享意圖」及「會員年資」皆與「知識分享行為」有正向關係。虛擬社群成員彼此間之「互惠規範」、「認同」和「信任」與虛擬社群成員之「知識分享意圖」存在直接的正相關;虛擬社群成員彼此間之「社會互動連結」及「共享價值」與「知識分享意圖」則為間接的正向關係。其中「社會互動連結」與「互惠規範」、「認同」為正相關,「共享價值」則與「認同」、「信任」有正向關係。


Internet has become a convenient channel for one to search for various types of informa-tion, including product related ones. Users can share their purchasing and usage experience with one another over the network. As a result, the number of users and the value of virtual communities are escalating. According to the “Top 100 Websites in 2008” in Taiwan pub-lished by the “Digital Era” magazine, virtual community is the leading category of websites, accounting for 21 slots in the list. Due to vigorous competition, it is important for community websites to attract users to revisit, and to actively contribute knowledge, in order to initiate a positive feedback loop. Content richness of the virtual community is a key determinant that attracts users. It is the foundation for users to communicate and discuss. This study attempts to investigate the knowledge sharing intention and behavior among virtual community members, from the per-spective of the social capital theory. Data was collected from 355 members of Fashion Guide, which is one of the most visited virtual community website in Taiwan, through self adminis-tered questionnaires. The results revealed that knowledge sharing behavior is associated with knowledge sharing intention and membership seniority. In addition, knowledge sharing intention is positively associated to three Relational constructs in the social capital theory, namely, Norm of Reciprocity, Identification and Trust. Furthermore, Norm of Reciprocity and Identifica-tion are associated with Social interaction tie, which is a structural construct. Finally, Identi-fication and Trust are associated with Shared value, which is a cognitive construct. Manage-rial implications are discussed.


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