  • 學位論文


Prediction of eukaryotic protein subcellular localization

指導教授 : 洪炯宗


預測不同的蛋白質會落在細胞中位置是一個重要而且研究相當完整的議題,細胞中每個位置各司其職,而合成好的蛋白質在不同的位質會完成他們本身的使命,蛋白質如果落在相同的位置,被認為是具有相同或是相似的功能,而了解蛋白質於細胞中的位置,是一個很重要的過程對於增進發現藥物的目標辨識。 目前已存在的方法,都建立於從蛋白質序列或是針對某片段的信號,缺乏更多的生物特性像是後轉譯修飾,而我們建立一個整合系統,能夠知道蛋白質會落在真核細胞中的位置,我們取用蛋白質序列的組成、某片段的信號、蛋白質的區塊和同源蛋白質的搜尋等來建構這個系統。


位置 預測 蛋白質


Prediction of subcellular localization of various proteins is an important and well-studied problem. Each compartment in cell has specific tasks, and proteins in each compartment are synthesized to fulfill these tasks. Proteins localized in the same compartment are thought to have the same or similar function. Knowledge of the subcellular localization of a protein can significantly improve target identification during the drug discovery process. Current available methods extract information from amino acid sequence or signal peptide and lack more biological features like post-translational modification. We develop an integrated system for biologists to know which localization the proteins from eukaryote is located to. The system is based on protein sequence composition, signal peptide, protein domains from Pfam and homologs search.


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