  • 學位論文


Design of wireless electrocardiogram system and its applications

指導教授 : 李柏磊


根據行政院衛生署所做的調查發現,歷年因為心血管疾病而死亡的人 數始終居高不下,而心電圖在判讀心血管疾病方面扮演著重要的角色,因 此設計能即時且連續紀錄並監控心電圖的系統便是本研究主要的目的。 本論文即在建立無線感測心電圖量測系統,電路可分為傳送端與接收 端兩個部份。傳送端電路主要是得到心電訊號,並由微處理器控制藍芽將 訊號發送出去,而接收端電路主要是將藍芽所收到的資料重建出來。 傳送端電路為本篇論文重點。爲了使得到的心電圖清晰且易於辨識, 我們由人體收集到心電訊號後,會將心電訊號放大至適合做訊號處理的範 圍,之後便利用濾波器濾除雜訊,經過上述動作之後所觀察到的心電訊號 即相當與標準的心電訊號。最後為了驗證放大電路的效能,會讓系統量測 腦波訊號。 最後驗證接收端電路所收到的訊號是否為傳送端電路傳送的訊號,我 們將示波器同時連接至傳送端電路與接收端電路,觀察並比較兩筆資料的 出現時間與波形,實驗結果發現系統確實能夠及時且連續的監測心電訊 號。


藍芽無線 心電圖


According to the survey taken by the Department of Healthy in Taiwan, the cardiovascular disease has been noticed because of its second rank in the top ten causes of death. Since dangerous heart attack is always coming in unexpected situation, one low-cost system which is suitable for monitoring a patient’s heart status in his daily life is needed. This research aims to design a wireless electrocardiogram (ECG) recording system for continuously monitoring and tracking the heart status of a patient. The wireless ECG contains multiple circuit stages, including instrument amplifier, bandpass filter and transmission-reception stages. The main contribution of the proposed study is that we have developed a high-sensitive ECG system and construct its wireless communication via Bluetooth channel. The technique, Bluetooth, has been created as a single digital wireless protocol, capable of connecting multiple devices and overcoming issues arising from synchronization of these devices. Bluetooth provides a way to connect and exchange information between universal devices. The bluetooth communication is controlled by a dsPIC microprocessor. ECG signals are digitized, encoded and transmitted in 2.4 GHz by Bluetooth chipset. The data are received by a corresponding receiving Bluetooth chipset and ECG data are reconstructed by another dsPIC microprocessor. The currently developed system can achieve real-time ECG signals transmission above 200 Hz sampling rate. The reconstructed ECG signals were validated by the comparison of the original ECG signals and the reconstructed one. Future work will implement the proposed system in monitoring other bio-electrical signals, such as electroculargram (EOG), electromyogram (EMG) and electroencephalogram (EEG).


wireless electrocardiogram(ECG) Bluetooth


Continuous Event Recording and Communication to a Clinical Alarm
"A wireless body area network of intelligent motion sensors for computer
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