  • 學位論文


The relationship between smartphone user interface and customer attitudes

指導教授 : 謝依靜


智慧型手機品牌廠商投入了可觀的研究經費在使用者介面上,然而使用者介面與消費者態度是否存在關聯性,應為智慧型手機品牌業者關心的議題,亦即是本研究探討之目的。 本研究讓受測者使用同款智慧型手機,轉換不同的使用者介面進行體驗後,再讓受測者填寫問卷,得出智慧型手機使用者介面的介面外觀、輕鬆上手以及操作自由的感受程度,並採用科技接受模型,分析使用者介面的三大構面是否影響手機的感知易用性、感知有用性與使用態度。研究結果可提供智慧型手機品牌製造商是否繼續深耕使用者介面的建議。 本研究結果顯示:一、品牌手機自行開發的介面可讓手機達到感知有用、感知易用,研究結果顯示使用者介面與感知易用性與感知有用性為正相關,而感知易用性與感知有用性也與使用態度成正相關,並讓使用者產生較高的滿意度以及願意購買的行為,結果與科技接受模型理論一致。二、品牌手機應繼續開發使用者介面讓手機可以創造出差異性,讓使用者產生購買意願。三、品牌手機的使用者介面可嘗試與手機分開販賣,讓智慧型手機品牌廠商有額外的收入以及增加曝光度,並藉由使用者介面的正向態度影響手機的品牌態度,進而讓使用者反過來購買該品牌手機,提升市占率。


Smartphone companies have invested a large amount of money in research on user interface (UI). Whether there is a positive relationship between user interface and customer’s attitude is one of the major concerns of smartphone companies and is what this research focuses on. Participants of this research experienced three different UI on the same device before filling out the questionnaire of the perceived performance of each UI. This research used Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to analyze whether the three dimensions of UI are correlated with perceived ease-of-use, perceived usefulness, and attitude. The results provide smartphone manufacturers suggestions if they should keep investing in user interface. The results show: 1.The performance of smartphone brand’s self-developed UI is positively related to consumers’ perceived ease-of-use and perceived usefulness. Consistent with the literature on TAM, the perceived ease-of-use and perceived usefulness have positive correlation with users’ attitude, which will result in users’ higher satisfaction and higher intention to purchase the phone. 2. Smartphone brand should keep developing UI to differentiate itself from competitors and increase the purchase intention of the phone. 3. Smartphone brands could try to sell UI individually. Smartphone Companies couldl earn extra income and improve brand awareness. They can also use those positive UI feedbacks to influence smartphone brand attitude. Furthermore, the smartphone company could use its excellent UI to attract users to purchase the product of this brand and improve its market share.


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