  • 學位論文


National Highway Research flatness testing and analysis International Roughness Index

指導教授 : 林志棟 宋柏勛


台灣國道高速公路為台灣交通的重要命脈,透過南北向與東西向的串聯將整個路網的方便性達到提升的效果與目的,從此可知高速公路的道路品質將是上至高公局局本部,下至一般用路人都時時關注的項目,所以為求提升國道高速公路路面舒適性品質的課題將成為本研究的主軸,透過對高速公路的了解,到後續的分析及養護的決策都是論文研究的主要方向。 為了提升國道高速公路舒適性指標,本研究首先針對國道高速公路的體檢部分著手了解,除了先了解高速公路現有的路面檢測項目以及方法之外,更進一步的透過研究之需要而整理出一套國道高速公路路面舒適性指標相關資料的普查作業流程,透過初步的普查作業與後續的相關分析作業將有利於國道高速公路舒適性品質的維持與提升。 有了龐大的檢測資料後,更針對不同的管理等級而做分群分析,從不同的國道別與不同工務段的檢測資料中找尋其中的關係,更透過不同工務段的檢測分析結果進行養護經費的排序,從排序的結果可以初步看出不同的工務段在經費使用上的一個客觀與合理性,最後的分析也加入安全性指標一起做綜合性的考量與評估。 普查並分析完相關的資料後,資料的回饋機制也為本研究最後的討論項目,透過鋪面管理系統建置的概念,研擬出一套專屬於國道高速公路的鋪面管理系統,透過此系統將可以看出高速公路在不同年度所做的體檢資料,有了多年度的資料後更可以做出不同年度的養護經費與相關的使用情形排序,因而在往後的經費預估時將可以更客觀與合理的進行相關的回饋。


Taiwan's National Highway plays an important role in Taiwan's transportation, through a series of north-south and east-west road networks, it is convenient to go to anywhere. From this we can see the highway road quality is a project that always need to be concerned.How to enhance the pavement quality of National Highway, will be the main subject of this study.The understanding, analysis and maintenance decision of highways, are the main topics of this thesis. In order to improve the comfort index of National Highway.In this study, we first understand the examination part of National Highway.Like road testing items and methods. And because the need of study,we need to organize the relevant information of National Highway road comfort index and survey processes. With the survey and analysis processes,is beneficial to maintain and enhance the comfort quality of National Highway. With a great amount of data, arrange and analysed with in different level, and find the relationship between their performance and budget. From the sorted results, we can find the reasonable and objective fund that should be used. and in the final analysis,we also added the safety index to make a comprehensive consideration and evaluation to make this study complete. After analyzing survey relevant information, information feedback mechanism is also developing in this study through the concept of pavement management system,and develop a pavement management system for National Highway .With the record of maintenance funding each year, We can estimate a more objective and reasonable budget.


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