  • 學位論文


The research of male viewpoint on marriage and the spread of ethnic culture

指導教授 : 張翰璧


臺灣社會對於族群的性別文化,一直以來都存在著刻板印象,即使在族群界線愈趨模糊的今天,這些族群刻板印象還是如此深植人心。而客家族群的文化傳承多仰賴家庭組織,然而教養子女的重責大擔似乎又落在客家婦女身上,那麼掌握家族大權的客家男性在這傳承體系中扮演的角色是什麼?又是透過何種方式將其所謂的客家文化代代相傳下去?因此本研究旨在透過閩、客男性之比較,以客家男性為主,閩南男性為輔來探討男性之婚姻觀是否受到族群特質的影響及男性對於族群文化傳承的看法。 研究發現,從生態系統理論或是社會學習理論來看閩、客男性之婚姻觀,皆可發現環境與個體之間的密切關係,因此對於婚姻內涵與重要性之看法是無明顯差異的。隨著兩性平權觀念的普及,女性就業人口的增加,「男主外、女主內」的分工界線已變得比較模糊,許多過去被視為理所當然的思維皆面臨調整與改變,而結果發現客家男性在婚姻中的兩性角色還是比閩南男性較為傳統與保守。而閩、客男性的擇偶態度與「折衷理論」相符合,也就是客觀條件愈相近,而內在特質愈具互補性,對於婚姻的滿意度會愈高。從族群文化來探討閩、客男性的婚姻生活與經營,顯現客家意象較閩南意象是更為鮮明,影響也較為深刻。 研究也發現,無論是閩、客男性在選擇婚配對象時,並不會將「族群」列入擇偶的條件中,也就是說,他們並不是為了以傳承自身的族群文化為前提來選擇配偶,雖然配偶的族群身分多或少會影響族群文化及語言的傳承,但在本研究中,受訪者的態度才是關鍵因素。受到整個社會文化活動推動及學校施行本土語言教學的影響,閩、客男性普遍都有從事族群記憶的傳承,但若夫妻皆認同族群文化及語言傳承的重要性,對於族群記憶的傳承會比較積極且成功。族群文化記憶的傳承,除了政府單位與民間團體的宣導與推廣外,閩、客男性對於自身族群的認同以及對於族群文化和語言傳承的認知與意願,將會是族群文化傳承是否得以延續不斷的關鍵。


There have always been stereotypes in regards to the gender culture in the different ethnic groups of Taiwanese society. These stereotypes are well ingrained in the people despite the continual blurring of ethnic boundaries. In these stereotypes, the Hakka ethnicities are known to rely on family structure for the spread of ethnic culture. With the women taking on the burden of raising the children, what role does the power wielding man in Hakka families have in the spread of Hakka culture? Through what methods do they pass on their Hakka culture? This research intends to use the comparison between Hakka and Min Nan male population to explore whether male viewpoint on marriage and the spread of ethnic culture are influenced by ethnic properties. Using the Ecosystem Theory or the Social Learning theory, our study shows both the Hakka and Min Nan men’s perspective on marriage are intimately influenced by the environment, thus there were little difference in the attitudes towards the implications and the importance of marriage. The increase in the acceptance of gender equality and female population in employment now blurs further the traditional gender roles leaving many ideas that were taken for granted to be adjusted and changed. Results show that Hakka males are more traditional and conservative in the gender roles within a marriage. With the Min Nan and Hakka men both showing a correspondence to the Eclectic Theory in the attitudes towards mate selection in which a close match a objective conditions and high mutual complementibility leads to higher satisfaction in a marriage. A discussion of male marriage life and management using the ethnic culture of both the Hakka and the Min Nan shows the Hakka men has a greater and more vivid and impactful tendency then the Min Nan. Study also shows, both the Min Nan and Hakka males do not place the Ethnicity as one criteria in mate selection, implying that even though there are effects the spouse on the spread of ethnic language and culture, the men’s selection of their spouse are not premised on passing on the ethnic heritage to the next generation and instead are based on their attitudes. The influence of the communal cultural promotion and implementation of ethnic language courses in schools, both Min Nan and Hakka men are more actively involved in passing on the ethnic legacy. The enthusiasm and the rate of success on the spread of ethnic culture and language increase, however, if both spouses accept its importance. The basis in the spread of ethnic memories is not only built upon the promotion of government and the civilian initiatives, the acceptance and the willingness to pass on their spread of culture and language of the people themselves would be the key to the perpetuation of it.


______,2005b,〈客家邊界:客家意象的詮釋與重建〉,《東吳社會學報》18: 117-156。


