  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李小梅


1990年代隨著中國大陸改革開放,優渥的投資優惠條件及廣大的內外銷市場吸引,台灣造紙同業也不約而同西進大陸,然而經過20多年的高速經濟成長後,中國大陸政府對傳統造紙業的投資由當初的極度歡迎變為有條件的同意設廠,主要是傳統的造紙是三高產業,即高資本投入、高耗能製程、及高汙染排放。 中國大陸經過這些年的經濟成長後,發現原來以經濟成長為首要的政策忽略了工業發展對環境造成的影響,於是漸漸興起保護居住其中的環境的意識,而且一旦認識了其中的重要性之後,反而更加積極地想要彌補過去所造成的傷害而嚴格修法及加強法律執行的力度。 在這種背景下,使得台商要在中國新建造紙廠顯得困難重重。本研究著重於整理現今在中國大陸投資新設或新建造紙廠的一個標準流程,同時兼具適應其最新法律法規的規範而不必多繞彎路,以節約新進入者摸索學習的時間,減少不必要的錯誤學習及求助無門時等待的焦慮。 透過個案訪談、研究、分析,將其實務經歷陳述於本研究中並與現行法規對接,以求符合實際新建造紙廠須經歷的過程,並將其流程以時間先後順序加以整理呈現。本研究歸納五項結論包括:1.台資造紙企業在中國投資建廠欲通過環評與能評日益困難、2.企業必須成立一個專業的建廠團隊、3.與當地政府及利害關係人維持良好的關係至為關鍵、4.慎選合作供應商、5.各項證照的核准曠日廢時,業者必須有工程延宕的備案。 本研究歸納分析在中國建廠的關鍵流程,並提出三項建議:1.最新的環保法標準嚴苛,將於2015年1月1日實施,值得重視。2.造紙工業已進入結構性緊縮期,未來相關業者的投資宜謹慎。3.因應新階段的來臨,未來造紙業宜注重品質與效益,加速產業升級與結構優化的調整。


1990 years of reform and opening up, with the China, generous terms and supporting export large market attract, Taiwan paper industry simultaneously in mainland China, but after 20 years of rapid economic growth, the government, Chinese papermaking industry on traditional investment by extremely welcome original into qualified agreement to set up factories, the main is the traditional paper-making is three high industries, namely high capital investment, high energy consumption, high pollution and process. China, after all these years of economic growth, found that ignore the environmental impact of industrial development caused by economic growth as the primary policy, to gradually rise residence of the awareness of environmental protection, and once you get to know the importance of, and more actively to make up for past damage and strict repair and strengthen law enforcement. In this context, the Taiwan in the new paper mill Chinese difficulties. A standard process for this research focus on the new finishing or today in China mainland investment in new mills, both to adapt to the new laws and regulations without many detours, to save the new entrants find learning time, learning and help reduce errors unnecessary waiting without the door when the anxiety. Through case interviews, research and analysis, the practical experience of statements in this study and the existing laws and regulations to meet the actual process of docking, the new paper mill to be experienced, and the process in which the time sequence arrangement, key factors in successful Chinese new paper mill as follows: 1 first of all, the attitude of local governments to the understanding, assessment report by the environmental impact, get the permit is really began to plant. 2 set up a professional construction team, especially the project manager is responsible for the map out a strategy, with project engineering management, the key role of the project budget and project schedule control rise. 3 with the local government to maintain good public relations, the use of government assistance, accelerate project license please. 4 selection of suppliers, choose a strong supplier cooperation will be more important than the lowest price supplier, not only to ensure progress, more important is a good engineering quality is the guarantee of future business. Constraint 5 breakthrough government license approval progress slow, made the heads of government agreed to guarantee issued on behalf of the government, to advance the construction liaison advance construction.


papermaking industry


35. 《永豐餘造紙股份有限公司2009年年報》
1. 《大氣污染物綜合排放標準》(GB16297-1996)
2. 《工業企業能源管理導則》(GB/T15587-2008)
3. 《工業項目建設用地控制指標》,國土資源部,國土資發[2008]24號
4. 《工業企業廠界環境雜訊排放標準》(GB 12348-2008)
