  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李小梅


2013年可能是全球格局變化的關鍵年,中國大陸在習李接班後,展現維護國家主權核心利益的決心,中國大陸呈現出歷史上前所未見的自信與強勢,2008年底金融危機爆發後,英美政府開始重新審視實體經濟與虛擬經濟的關係,製造業再度受到重視,而美英推動「再工業化」有一套完整的規劃和配套措施,身為台灣的製造業在過去20年大都前往中國建立起據點,但隨著中國十二五計畫的實施,人力缺乏、工資提升、電力問題再再考驗著台商未來的競爭力。 因此本研究透過個案分析深入探討輕觸開關的產業價值鏈,產業環境分析以及競爭策略並針對個案公司作不同角度的解析,其中在產業環境的分析工具上,本研究採用SWOT分析、五力分析、價值鏈分析、產業生命週期與總體環境分析;在個案公司的競爭策略上,本研究採用Porter 總體性競爭策略、Hill and Jones功能層級策略來做分析。 個案公司透過高層的決策,將重要的新產品重新定位並且在台灣設計高規格的K2工廠,並且創新製造流程,改變以往的製造觀念,佐以新的檢驗包裝模式,讓整個事業體成為一個精、實、美的工廠創新代表,以此新的製造模式成為此產業中具有競爭優勢的廠商。最後,個案公司以自身的競爭優勢作為結論,並針對台灣中小型製造業提出二項建議,包括:(一)企業隱形的力量,台灣永續的引擎。(二)不管選擇哪種競爭策略,都要面對風險。本研究基於結論與發現,提出三項對政府的建議,包括:(一)邀集產學研的專家,召開策略性會議。(二)精進創新環境與培育先進技術人才。(三)積極加入美國AMP聯盟或NNMI網絡,與美國大學與研發機構合作,爭取雙方合作研發的機會。


2013 was an important year of global advances. As Chinese leaders Jin Ping Xi and Ke Qiang Lee showed strong determination and interest in safeguarding the National Sovereignty of China, the Chinese was presenting the world with unseemly strong confident and persistence. Since the financial crisis in 2008, British and American governments began to re-examine the relationship between real economy and virtual economy. In addition, the manufacturing sector was refocused as a top priority. Both governments had a comprehensive plan in order to promote “Manufacturing Renaissance” in the national economy. In the past 20 years, Taiwanese enterprises have always focused most of their resources in Mainland China. However, with the implementation of Twelfth Five-Year plan, shortage of labor, wage increase, and limited of power, Taiwanese enterprises are again facing another challenge of global competitiveness. Through case study of touch switch tactics and its value chain analysis, this research analyzes the industry environment, competitiveness strategies in depth. In analyzing the industry environment, this study utilizes SWOT analysis, five forces analysis, value chain analysis and industry life cycle and the an overall environmental analysis; In analyzing company's competitive strategy, this study uses Porter’s 5 Forces, Hill and Jones functional level strategy for analysis. The case study Company repositioned itself as a high specification K2 factory. It has transformed its manufacturing processes from the old-fashioned way by combining its manufacturing process with accurate product testing and packaging. Which position itself as a compact, reliable and originative manufactures. Thus the case Company was able to stand out among its competitors. In concluding, the case Company provides two recommendations to Taiwan’s small and mid-sized enterprises. (1) Using Hidden Champion as an example, Taiwanese enterprises create its own competitive advantages using its unique abilities. (2) Regardless of which competitive strategies were utilized, all companies would face a certain amount of risks. In addition, the research uses British and American government as measures, and provides three suggestion to Taiwanese government: (1) Institute a business convention focusing on competitive advantages of industries. (2)Actively transform the overall business environment and establish programs that can train for more tech-savvy individuals. (3)Actively reach out to American AMP Association or NVMI in order to create more opportunities for research and development with the American Universities.


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