  • 學位論文


The Patent Assertion Entities Problem:Lessons from the United States

指導教授 : 王明禮


吾人從現今各大廠商專利侵權訴訟不斷的狀況可以了解,專利權除了是一種制度上之誘因外,更是科技產業各廠商的重要競爭籌碼,尤其對於產業相關專利的掌控與佈局更是廠商能在激烈競爭中脫穎而出的關鍵。因此除了專利權人自行實施該專利技術於其產品或服務外,另一重要之生財之道就是思考如何透過專利授權獲得利益。因此許多事業開始積極申請、收購專利,甚至經常發動專利權之戰爭,為了打擊競爭對手而對之提出侵權訴訟,迫使其退出市場或給付巨額和解金。可以說,專利權已成為事業間之競爭利器,其中之佼佼者非專利主張實體莫屬(Patent Assertion Entities,以下簡稱PAEs)。 PAEs之商業模式在過去十年,尤其在訴訟成本高昂之國家如美國,已成為獲利豐厚之新興產業,但同時在企業管理與法律實務上亦引起許多爭議和討論,並成為近年來專利法與相關學術領域中之熱門焦點。有論者認為PAEs之商業模式是利用專利制度興訟,並遏阻了其他廠商之創新活動,這樣的結果有違專利制度之立法意旨;且鑑於學者對於PAEs所進行的實證研究發現,其提起的訴訟活動造成廠商、消費者與整個社會極大的損失。為了因應PAEs可能對我國產業造成之衝擊,本文期望透過研究PAEs在美國之活動、學者針對此問題之見解,以及美國政府相關之立法政策,擬出一套適用於我國廠商之對策,作為未來對抗PAEs之參考。


As patent litigation between well-known companies has been thriving nowadays, people may learn that a patent is now, not only a system to motivate innovation, but also a bargaining chip amid firms and the concerning industries. That said, knowing how a patent licensing works in a highly competitive market, has undoubtedly been the key to win out in patent lawsuits. In view of that, someone may think it profitable to apply, to acquire patents ; only for they can hold it against their competitors to pay a substantial compensation, and even force them to exit by filing a lawsuit. Among those who file patent lawsuit as a means to gain a fortune, Patent Assertion Entities ( hereinafter referred to PAEs) could be one of the best. PAEs’ business model has made it a lucrative rising industry in the past decade; especially in nations with expensive litigation costs, such as the USA. However, it also gave rise to enormous controversies in all aspects in conducting business strategies and in law. According to the outcome of empirical researches, there is a significant negative effect on the whole social welfare with suits filed by PAEs; and that is the crux which prevent companies from innovating. In short, it violates the legislative purpose of the patent law. So the purpose of this article is aimed at referring to cases, regulations, studies and researches about PAEs in America, to try to provide a countermeasure to help industries in Taiwan fight against PAEs’ litigation activities.


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 陳文吟,由美國立法暨實務經驗探討專利品質對提升產業科技之重要性,台北大學法學論叢第74期,2010年6月。
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