  • 學位論文

真誠領導、目標導向、心理賦能 與員工工作績效、組織公民行為之研究

Effects of authentic leadership, and goal orientation on psychological empowerment, task performance, and organizational citizen behavior

指導教授 : 陳春希


本研究以419位各行各業之從業人員為研究對象,探討主管的真誠領導行為對於員工心理賦能的影響,以及心理賦能對於工作績效、組織公民行為之作用,並且進一步以目標導向做為調節變項,分析其對於真誠領導與心理賦能關係的干擾效果。研究結果顯示真誠領導與心理賦能有正向關係;心理賦能與工作績效及組織公民行為呈現正向關係。此外,就目標導向的調節效果而言,不同的目標導向類型對於真誠領導與心理賦能之關係皆有正向的調節效果,其中逃避表現型目標導向的調節效果遠大於學習型目標導向的影響。本研究依據研究結果,進而提出對於管理實務的意涵以及未來研究之建議。 關鍵字:真誠領導、心理賦能、工作績效、組織公民行為、目標導向


This study investigates the effects of authentic leadership on task performance and organizational citizen behavior. The mediation of employees’ psychological empowerment and moderation of goal orientation are also examined. It is found that authentic leadership is positively related to employees’ psychological empowerment, task performance and organizational citizen behavior. In addition, psychological empowerment mediates the relationship between authentic leadership and task performance as well as organizational citizen behavior. Employees’ goal orientation is found to moderate the relationship between authentic leadership and psychological empowerment. In addition, the moderation of performance avoidance goal orientation is found to be much more effective than performance prove goal orientation. Managerial implications and suggestions for future research are thus discussed. Keywords: authentic leadership, psychological empowerment, task performance, organizational citizen behavior, goal orientation


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