  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王弓


如今,都市化問題是目前各城市亟欲解決的難題,而這些問題的背後牽涉許多不同部門和組織,增加了解決問題的困難度。因此,這將考驗著政府如何進行跨域治理和跨部門合作的能力。 本研究選擇首爾打造設計之都的歷程與韓國設計政策為標的,來探討首爾是如何成功地打造設計之都。首爾為解決都市化的問題提出「設計首爾計畫」,利用設計的元素帶入首爾都市規劃的藍圖當中,試圖以設計的力量解決各種問題,也因此得到國際工業設計協會的認可,獲選為2010年的世界設計之都。 本研究利用跨域治理相關理論作為理論基礎,在研究中得出首爾是因為成功地促進跨域治理和跨部門合作的機制,才成功地將首爾打造成一座設計之都。


Today, the problems of urbanization are on the top of the list waiting for each city to solve, but behind these problems involve many different departments and organizations, increasing the difficulty of solving the problem. This will be an acid test for the city government of their abilities of facilitating cross-boundary and cross-sector governance. This is a case study based on analyzing the literatures and reports about Seoul WDC and the design policies, willing to find out how the city government turned Seoul into the city of design and used the image to brand the city up. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how Seoul brands itself as a design city, and analyze why Seoul could be rewarded as the World Design Capital in 2010. The study is based on the concept and theory of cross-boundary and cross-sector governance. We founded out that the process of Seoul building the city of design had facilitated the mechanism of cross-boundary and cross-sector governance, and successfully build up the city of design.


5. 李長晏、曾淑娟 (2009),「北臺與高高屏區域聯盟治理營運之比較」,臺灣民主季刊,第六卷,第二期,頁1-60。
12. 曾淑娟(2008),「北臺與高高屏區域合作機制比較」,研考雙月刊,第267期,頁69-84。
3. Alexander, E. R. 1993. Inter-organizational Coordination: Theory and Practice. Journal of Planning Literature, 7, 328-343.
4. Alexander, E. R. 1995. How Organization Act Together: Inter-organizational Coordination in Theory and Practice. Berkeley: University of California Press.
5. Blaž Križnik. 2011. "Selling Global Seoul: Competitive Urban Policy and Symbolic Reconstruction of Cities."
