  • 學位論文

市區道路永續發展指標建構模式之研究 -以都會區環河快速道路為例

Research on the construction indicators of sustainable development of urban roads-Take expressway along the border river of the metropolitan district for example

指導教授 : 林志棟


聯合國在1992年巴西里約舉行的地球高峰會上,155個國家簽署了聯合國氣候變化框架公約(The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,UNFCCC),隨後設立永續發展委員會(Committee of Sustainable Development,CSD),至此永續發展及可持續性等議題漸浮上檯面,2002年於南非約翰尼斯堡舉辦「永續發展世界高峰會議(World Summit on Sustainable Development,WSSD)」,時至今日聯合國2012年6月在巴西里約舉辦「聯合國永續發展大會(UNCSD)」與1992年的「地球高峰會」,相距了20年,期間科技大幅進步造就人類的發展,滿足所有的需求,但是人類面臨天然災害卻未曾間斷,且有日益嚴重趨勢,確保環境及生態資源永續發展,已是當務之急刻不容緩立即性的問題。 道路建設是國家經濟發展命脈,在追求經濟成長率,道路工程一直是國家基礎建設中最要的一環,但在追求富裕生活同時,其對自然環境產生了許多無法挽回的破壞,如何在生活環境與地球的永續發展間取得平衡已為當今面臨重要課題。 本研究針對造成環境破壞甚鉅的道路工程,參照永續公共工程指標系統八項指標群下17項次指標共計74項評估項目,評估台北都會區環河快速道路永和區轄段全生命週期之符合度,並依據評估結果提供爾後道路建設之參考,希望打造具節能減碳效果之公共工程,落實環境保護,達到地球永續之目標。




In 1992, the United Nations held the Earth Summit in Rio, Brazil. 155 countries had signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). After the earth summit, the United Nation established Committee of Sustainable Development (CSD). Follow by those treaties, the consciousness of development and sustainability issues are rising. For example, in 2002, World Summit on Sustainable Development was held in Johannesburg, South Africa. Being apart from the Earth Summit, The United Nations held the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in June 2012, Rio Brazil. During twenty years, the technology has great improvement in developing and fulfilling human needs. However, human never stop facing nature disaster and those nature disasters are getting worse and worse. To ensure sustainable development of the environment and ecological resources are urgent issues. Road construction is the foundation of a country's economic development. In the pursuit of economic growth rate, road infrastructure project has been played most important roles. However, when we are pursuing the wealth of our lives, it will cause a lot of irreparable damage to our mother nature. How to make a balance between the environment and sustainable development is an important topic for today. This research will focus on road construction works which caused enormous environmental damage. We will use the seventeen sub-indicators that are under eight indicators groups of sustainable public works as references. The evaluate projects will be seventy-four indicators. Those indicators will evaluate standards compliant of rapid life cycle in round river high way’s Yonghe District in Taipei metropolitan area. According to the result of the evaluation, we can provide the basis reference for future road construction. We hope we can build a carbon reduction effect of public works and fulfill environmental protection to achieve our goal of earth sustainable.


sustainable development


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14. 湯志生;國立中央大學土木工程學系碩士論文「利用永續發展指標建立野溪整治評估準則」。
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