

在世界國際貨幣基金(IMF)經濟展望報告、各銀行或投資公司的市場報告都將印度列為全球未來最值得投資的區域,且未來經濟成長有超越中國的可能,主要原因為印度近13億的人口能為印度創造出超強紅利。印度在獨立後的經濟政策不斷的鬆綁與執行經濟改革,但其間仍有許多經濟議題隨著時代的變遷不斷的需要改革,同時也有全球性的經濟金融危機需要去面對,使得原本成長快速的印度經濟成長也逐漸放緩,使得人民對政府失望與失去信心,印度至今仍為全球貧窮人口最多的國家。在2014年5月那倫德拉.莫迪Narendra Modi上任總理後印度的經濟不論是從股市或是經濟成長率數據來觀察都相較先前狀況有了起色。莫迪上任後推動了許多政策改革,無論是政府內部或是基礎建設與外人投資都做十足的嘗試與開放,莫迪期望能把他治理古吉拉特邦後的榮景一併發散至印度全國各地,加強基礎設施建設打造工業走廊創造人民就業,外人企業進入投資設廠,並利用莫迪經濟學下的五類管理哲學、商業發展、財政紀律與鄉級獨立運動等政策將印度打造成世界經濟強國。


According to IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO), all the market reports of banks or investment companies regard India as the most potential area for future investment. Its economic growth may transcend China because the population of 1.3 billion will create great bonus. Although Indian economic policy after independence continuously deregulates government laws and executes economic reform, many economic problems still need to be improved. Meanwhile, India government has to face the global financial crisis which causes the slow economic growth. Therefore, Indian people lose their hope and faith toward the government. Till now, the poverty rate in India is still the highest in the world. Since Narendra Modi commenced his prime minister career in May 2014, India’s economy performs better in stock market or in the statistics of economic growth. He has worked on many policy reforms which made fully trials and opening-ups in government interior affairs, infrastructure, and foreign investment. Also, Modi expects to radiate the prosperity in Gujarat state, which was governed by him, to the whole India. Now India government focuses on the infrastructure to build industrial corridors which create local employment and attract foreign companies to site factories. Moreover, it aims to use the five management principals in Modi economic philosophy, business, development, financial discipline, and gram panchayat to make India become one of the preeminent military and economic powers in the world.




[1] 何宏儒,「金融風暴對印度經濟的影響與對策」,天竺季刊,第33期,2-5頁,2014年7月
[2] 施舜耘,「中國與印度在貿易上之合作與競爭」,國際經濟情勢雙週報,第1641期,5-14頁,2007年10月25日
[3] 徐遵慈,「台灣與印度經貿關係:回顧與前瞻」,貿易政策論叢,第15期,98-105頁,2011
[4] 連文榮,「印度經濟的過去、現在與未來」,國際經濟情勢雙週報,第1601期,5-10頁,2006年3月30日
[5] 陳佳珍,「金融風暴對印度經濟的影響與對策」,國際經濟情勢雙週報,第1681期,5-17頁,2009年6月11日
