  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃同圳 何應欽


低生產成本是提升現代製造業核心競爭力的必要手段之一,但如何有效並系統化地降低成本卻不是一件容易的事。於此同時,企業裡仍存在著很多類似的狀況,那就是不管是基於以前的習慣,或是某些背景、條件上,容易在作業和人力使用上產生各種浪費且一直不知不覺地存在於組織與流程裡。舉例來說,基層管理人員就尚未意識到整個大環境已經改變,管理的思維仍是喜歡延用以往的人海戰術,來完成和達到客戶滿意的需求,所以改變習慣與思維方式讓員工重視人力成本與避免作業浪費是現今企業另一個改革的焦點。 企業為了體質的改善就得透過各主管強力的支持與輔助,去改變員工舊有、固有的作業想法,並重新將以前的細分工再恢復到串連很多不同功能的流程回來。避免組織將一件事或一樣東西,在經過了10個接觸點、10個人或10個部門傳來傳去的轉交過程後,這件事或這樣東西至終並未產生任何的變化,也就是說在這10個流程裡完全是沒有附加價值的陷阱裡。雖然現今企業大多強調以自動化來改善人力作業的結構,而自動化最重要的要求就是效能。但如果不需要投入太大的投資,就能得到最好的效率,就整體而言,這才是更高的效能。 故在此背景下,本研究以個案公司從灌輸倉儲部基層管理人員保持成本管控的概念為出發點,再經由專案管理的方式與月競賽的方式,著手思考與改善工作流程與員工管理,最後再以績效評估裡的成本及流程改善來評價,結果顯示在讓基層管理人員真正暸解成本管理與對績效的影響後,所得出的管理觀念的改變與改善流程的積極態度,是可以被持續進行並獲得有效的控制的。


For Low cost production perspective is one of the keys to enhance and improve in most of the competitive manufacturing environment, but in fact it is not easy to manage and control cost saving effectively. Also, as nowadays, there’s still many waste steps and cost waste within the group and teams. The manpower hiring, for example, basic management team does not take inconsideration of the economic situation or changes when hiring but rather count on by enough manpower on hand to complete the task and to satisfy customers’ need. The habit and or due to groups’ background or even some of the condition made were wastage that causes recurrence occurred. It will be a trap in the company for a thing or a procedure is transferred by over 10 teams/person/touch points, but at the end nothing been achieved. Although we hope to have the automation assisting us and make the effects for us, but if the change that doesn’t need too much effort on but create more that it has, it will be the best efficiency for all. Thus, with the above ideas, for how to train and change the employees working mentality to consider in the beginning and to have everything with cost saving mind set and waste prevention, let them always keep the cost management in mind, and put it into consideration for every procedure when developed and created, also link it to the KPI of the organization to effect the positive influence, is what the essay trying to find out. By using both the project management and warehouse cost management tools to Plan-Do-Check-Action on how well to control the labor cost and improve the working procedure to meet the need, and bring out the result of how it reflected on the organization’s KPI, finally analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this training model to see the impactions to the company.


2. Frazelle, E. H. 2001, World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling, McGraw-Hill.
20. 楊坤霖,2006,《預鑄專案成本估算策略之研究》,國立中央大學土木工程研究所碩士論文。
10. 王怡璇、劉宜臻、柯皓仁,2012,《大學圖書館績效評估指標之研究》,國立臺灣師範大學圖書館資訊研究所,http://ir.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/retrieve/73643/ntnulib_ja_A1021_3801_043.pdf,下載日期: 2015/05/01。
1. Richards, G. 2014, Warehouse Management: A Complete Guide to Improving Efficiency and Minimizing Costs in the Modern Warehouse (2nd edition), Kogan Page.
