  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 鄭漢鐔


「時代創造英雄,英雄創造時代」這句話最能代表二十一世紀全球電子科技產業的革命浪潮。在這二十一世紀裡,蘋果公司的賈伯斯可說是最具代表性的英雄人物了,他所發明的智慧型手機,成功創造了另一波電子科技產業的革命浪潮,然而,在這股新市場浪潮中,台灣目前的股王大立光,也順著這股浪潮而起,成為全球手機鏡頭龍頭製造商,全球市佔率達20%,500萬畫素以上手機鏡頭更佔有40%以上的市占率。 本研究的目的有二:首先,在競爭激烈的光學鏡頭產業環境中,大立光成為股王的關鍵成功因素為何? 其次,面對外在環境快速變遷,大立光應如何持續保有其優勢,屹立不搖呢? 本研究將採用個案研究法,運用8十事業模式架構分析股王大立光這五年來,所處的外在環境帶給大立光那些機會與威脅,與主要競爭者又具有那些優勢與劣勢存在,然後,依據8十營運模式及8十獲利模式,分析大立光之所以成為台灣股王的關鍵成功的因素,及運用8十SOWT分析找出未來永續經營之道,讓台灣其他企業可以學習及效法。 本研究結論如下: 1.三個主要關鍵成功因素如下: a.天時,在這智慧型手機快速成長的世代,身處「產業正確」的大立光,敢於 追求創新,研發出千萬畫素塑膠鏡頭鏡片,投入資本報酬率(ROIC)高於同 業20%以上。 b.地利,產品短、小、輕、薄等特色,成功打入蘋果手機供應鏈,公司營收複 合成長率38.8%。 c.人和,不斷的投入研發,掌握核心競爭優勢,製程良率高,營業成本率較同 業低30%以上。 2.永續經營之對策為擴大產品差異化優勢、中國手機品牌市占率及發展另一利 基產品。


Times create heroes; and heroes create era. These words can best represent the revolution of twenty-first century global electronics technology industry. In this 21st centry, Apple’s Steve Jobs can be said that the most representative heros, the smart phone he invented that successfully created another revolution wave of electronics technology industry, however, in this new wave of market, Largan of King stock also take this wave become the global leading mobil phone camera manufacturers, its global market share reach 20%, more than 40% market share of 5M pixel above phone camera. There are two purposes of this study:First, in the highly competitive environment in Optical lens industry, what the key success factors of Largan to be a king stock in Taiwan?Secondly,in the face of turbulent environment,how should Largan keep and maintain its advantage to make its business sustainable in the future. This study will use case study method, using 8-Cross business model to find out the opportunities and threats of king stock Largan under the external environment and the strengths and weakness with competitors in the pass five years, then, according to 8-Cross operating model and 8-Cross profit model, to analyze what the key success factors make the Largan become the king stock in Taiwan, and using the 8-Cross SWOT to find the strategy of sustainable management, let other company learn and follows. The conclusions are as following: 1. The three main key success factors of the Largan as below: a.Right time, in the fast-growing generation of smartphones, in the「Right Industry」of Largan, successfully produced 10M pixel plastic lens, and the ROIC rate is over other competitors 20% above. b.Right place, in features of the product, short, small, light and thin, successfully be an Apple supplier, the CAGR rate of 38.8%. c.Right social connection, continued investment in research and development, keep the core competitive advantage, high production rate, and operating costs 30% lower than other competitors. 2. The strategy of sustainable management are the expansion of product differentiation advantages, China's mobile phone brand market share and develop other niche products.


4.中華經濟研究院 http://www.cier.edu.tw/
9.財團法人光電科技工業協進會 https://www.pida.org.tw/
10.財團法人國家政策研究基金會 http://www.npf.org.tw/
