  • 學位論文

機車製造廠之MES系統導入研究 -以G公司為研究對象

指導教授 : 何應欽


在目前社會上資訊流通的非常快速,而且在消費者意識抬頭的狀態下,許多品質不好或造成人員安全上疑慮的產品,一一的被攤在大眾媒體上,這樣對企業是一種重大傷害,像最近台灣爆發的食品、藥物安全問題,還有這幾年常見的汽、機車品質問題召回的狀況,影響了企業的營運,更重要的是企業違背了社會給予他們的期待與責任,所以不管是食品製造工廠、藥物製造商、動植物養殖或本文探討的機車製造廠,在品質、安全的高標準下,企業如何建立一套讓消費者相信的產品品質系統就特別重要。 最近幾年相關製造廠紛紛開發製造執行系統 MES ( Manufacturing Execution System ),用以輔助製造廠蒐集現場品質資料及控制現場製造流程,MES的用處在於將製造生產中的相關情報、資訊收集起來並加以整合、分析,提供給企業做最好的決策與判斷、提早發現問題、提供數據解決問題,提升消費者購買意願。 本文將探討機車製造廠如何導入製造執行系統 MES,從開始的生產架構檢討,到整體製造流程的建立,到最後實際導入在工廠中運行,進而達到工廠管理的即時化、數位化、可控制化。希望本案例不僅可以提供給汽機車製造廠導入MES範本,更可以將概念橫向展開到其他的製造產業,所得結論如下: (1)機車製造業MES生產品質資料儲存模式持續改善 (2)機車製造業MES製造相關報表持續改善


As globalization speeds up the information flow, coupled with the rise of consumer awareness in recent years, people are more aware of the products with quality or safety concern, e.g., food and drug safety, recalls of defective automobile products, that would have a significant impact on the company's long lasting good image and operation. In addition, the company does not fulfill the social responsibility. As a result, it is important to set up a high quality and safety system to win trust from consumers in all the industry. The manufacturing industry have been developed MES in recent years to collect and analyze the data for process quality control during production, which can help the company make a right decision find the problem earlier, solve the problem in time, and promote consumer’s willing to purchase the product. In order to digitize the real-time control of the factory management, the MES system implementation of scooter manufacturing will be discussed in this article, from the initial concept, the manufacturing process to the practical operation. Not only to be the model of MES implementation for scooter/automobile manufacturing industry, but also to be applied to all the other manufacturing industry. Here is the conclusion: (1) The production quality data-saving model of MES has been improved in scooter manufacturing. (2) Manufacturing related report of MES has been improved in scooter industry.


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