  • 學位論文


An Integrated Method for Designing the Protection Wearable Technology and Support System

指導教授 : 高信培


近年來,企業傳統的製造及銷售模式已無法滿足顧客的需求,漸漸地轉成以服務為導向的銷售模式。產品服務系統(Product service system, PSS)為一整合性產品延伸,涵蓋有形的產品與無形的服務。此系統強調提供產品的「功能」以滿足顧客的需求,顧客不一定要購買產品才可以享用其功能,如此一來企業可降低生產成本,又可滿足顧客需求。 穿戴式科技(Wearable Technology)為近期市場上熱門的研發項目,許多企業都紛紛投入此產品開發,例如:智慧型紡織品應用於防護性裝備上。透過穿上智慧型紡織品,即時監控使用者心跳及身體狀況,掌控使用者的位置,提高救災或緊急救難人員在執行任務中的安全與效率。其中,資訊正確的傳遞為最重要的一部分,如何精準的設計整合系統及風險控管為本研究研究之議題。 因此,本研究將應用SQFD(Software Quality Function Development)、PFMEA(Process Failure Modes & Effect Analysis)及服務藍圖(Service Blueprint),整合設計出穿戴式科技之產品服務系統。


In recent years, traditional manufacturing and sales model has been unable to satisfy customer needs, and gradually turn into a service-oriented sales model. Product Service System (Product service system, PSS) is an extension of integrated product, covering tangible products and intangible services. This system emphasizes providing products “function” to meet customer needs, the customers can enjoy the function of products without buying it, this way can not only reduce the production costs but also to meet customer needs. Wearable Technology is a popular research project on the market in recently; many companies have invested in the development of this product, such as applying the smart fabrics to protection equipment. User’s heartbeat and physical status can be recorded; the GPS function can help command center control user’s location, increasing effect and safety. Among them, how to precision design the product service system and risk management are the main issue of this research. Therefore, this research will be applied SQFD (Software Quality Function Development), PFMEA (Process Failure Modes & Effect Analysis) and Service Blueprint to design the integration of product services system with wearable device.


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