  • 學位論文


Study on the Business Strategies of the Non-leading Motherboard Firms

指導教授 : 邱俊榮


全球個人電腦相關產品的逐漸普及化,主機板產業在整體個人電腦產業位居戰略樞紐的角色,不僅帶動主機板產業之上游零組件產業的蓬勃發展,亦成為下游個人電腦產業發展的重要資源。台灣的電腦主機板產業是目前全球最大之供應商,全球主機板市占率高達83% 以上,且多集中於外銷市場。台灣主機板產業以主機板設計、生產及銷售為主,掌握關鍵線路設計技術並透過高度整合的上下游供應鏈及完善的通路經營,造就出主機板產業的領導地位,也同時培育了相當多的電子硬體人才,並延伸至各資訊電子相關產業相關產業。 但隨著市場的逐漸飽和,整體市場成長趨緩,市場上之領導廠商為維持其市場領導地位,開始採取激烈的價格競爭策略用以鞏固市場占有率,此舉造成相關主機板廠獲利大幅下滑,並造成強烈的排擠效應,大者越大趨勢逐漸形成。本研究主要針對非領導主機板廠商在市場成長停滯及價格競爭劇烈的環境下,所應採取的對應策略提供一個參考的解決方案及方向。綜合上述,本文將藉由文獻及產業的發展現況進行探討,並運用產業經濟學中的「結構-行為-績效」(Structure-Conduct-Performance, S-C-P) 架構理論,分析主機板產業之市場結構、廠商行為與經營績效,以探討主機板產業之產業市場的現狀後,再進一步檢視非領導主機板廠商所採取之策略並針對其策略進行探討。研究結果顯示,在華碩與技嘉兩強的持續競爭下,「贏者全拿」的態勢終將形成,而兩強之外所有的競爭廠商絕對沒有出路,而非領導廠商在這樣的環境中將更顯弱勢。也正因這一切將沒有出路,非領導廠商更需當機立斷,重新規劃其經營策略。


As PC-related products grew in popularity, the Taiwan motherboard industry gained a dominant strategic position within the market. It led the motherboard upstream component industry, as well as becoming an important resource for the downstream PC industry. Taiwan motherboards have consistently out sold their rivals worldwide, with a market share which has peaked as high as 83%. In the industry which includes design, manufacture and sales, Taiwan motherboards hold a leading competitive edge through critical circuit design technology, upstream/downstream industries, integration capability and supply chain management. Its direction of trend and cultivation of talents extends to all of the ICT (Information Communication Technology) related industries. Unfortunately, with the PC market becoming more and more saturated, overall market demand has slowdown. In order to maintain its hold as a market leader, an intense competitive pricing strategy was needed. The downside to this pricing strategy was a significant decline in profit, resulting in a crowding out effect. The emphasis of this paper is to highlight a competitive edge strategy, utilizing price competition for a non-leading motherboard supplier in a fiercely competitive market, as well as providing solutions and directions for reference. This paper is based on the S-C-P model (Structure-Conduct-Performance) to analyze the motherboard industries’ structure, conduct and performance. After further analysis of the market and its suppliers, it became quite obvious. If competition between Asus and Gigabyte continued, a "winner-take-all" scenario would’ve emerged, leaving no room for non-leading suppliers. As a result, in order to gain a foot hold in the market, non-leading motherboard suppliers would need to focus strongly on their business and market strategy.




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