  • 學位論文


Non-Contact Optical Measurement Used in the Biomedical Field

指導教授 : 張榮森


本論文主要是建立三種不同架構的非接觸式光學量測系統,並應 用於生物醫學量測,第一種為利用光學疊紋(Moiré)技術,自動化判 斷疊纹條纹的位置並記錄條紋變化的週期量,計算出待測物表面任一 位置的地形高度與其高度變化,此系統可以分析中醫脈象(the conditions of pulse),中醫脈象包括脈的位置(藉由影像處理疊紋圖案)、 脈的節律(藉由頻率)、脈的形狀(藉由疊紋圖案)和脈的強度(藉由震幅 強度)。 第二種為利用電容式麥克風量測手腕脈搏之脈音,將麥克風擷取 的信號做濾波處理,並傳送到電腦做快速傅立葉轉換(FFT)程式,轉 換為心跳頻率,本裝置遵從中醫的把脈方式,針對的寸、關、尺三處 分別以不同的把脈壓力,浮取(50mmHg)、中取(80mmHg)和沉取 (110mmHg)進行量測分析,以上兩種量測方式是針對中醫脈搏並分析 數據,使中醫得以量化。 第三種為利用雷射光學三角量測(laser optical triangulation)原理, 針對我們所選用的動物,透過注射數不同濃度福馬林試劑得到各種不 同刺激(空針注射、12% 福馬林注射、37%福馬林注射) 的頻率,實驗 結果為正相關的曲線,使痛覺可以被量化。


非接觸式 疊紋 脈象 脈音 痛覺


This paper is to establish three different non-contact optical measurement systems used in the biomedical field. The first system uses optical moiré to automatically determine the location of moiré pattern, record the cycle of pattern change and calculate the height and height change at any spot of a test surface. This system can analyze the conditions of pulse which include the location (image processing of moiré pattern), rhythm (via frequency), shape (via moiré pattern) and strength of pulse (via amplitude). The second system uses a condenser microphone to measure the pulse of wrist. Signals captured by the microphone is filtered and transmitted to a computer for a fast Fourier transform (FFT) to be converted into heart rate. This device follows the practice of pulse reading in Chinese medicine and applies three different pressures of 50mmHg, 80mmHg and 110mmHg at wrist, guan and cubit. The two measurement methods above analyze and quantify the pulse reading in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The third system uses the concept of laser optical triangulation which injects different concentrations of formalin reagent into animal to obtain different frequencies of stimuli (empty injection, 12% formalin, 37% formalin). The results show positive correlation, so that pain can be quantified.


Non-contact moiré pulse pulse tone pain


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