  • 學位論文


Low-cost Embedded Wi-Fi Platform Development for Internet of Things

指導教授 : 吳曉光


近年來,物聯網(IoT)的快速發展,讓傳統網路有了巨大的變化。所有真實的物體在物聯網中都可以辨識得出它們,並可透過環境智慧來達到自主控制。隨著無線感測網路(WSN)的出現和傳統網路進入到可以支援幾乎無限定址需求的IPv6技術後,開始帶來這個巨大的改變。為了要讓每個人周圍的裝置皆可以連上網路,所以可以幫助各種裝置連網的無線裝置需求開始不斷增加。同時物聯網的應用十分廣泛,例如以下幾個主要應用領域:智慧車、智慧家庭、智慧辦公,甚至是到大範圍的智慧城市。所以為了達到以上應用願景,裝置於所有真實物體的無線溝通傳輸平台應該要是價格較低廉且具有相當安全性。 因此,我們在本篇論文提出了一個嵌入式Wi-Fi的架構來滿足讓所有真實物體連線至物聯網中的願景。在我們所提出的架構中,使用成本較低之SPI硬體介面來完成低功率的Wi-Fi晶片及價格較低廉的微控制器之間的溝通。在物聯網環境中擔任連線溝通角色的嵌入式Wi-Fi有幾個主要的問題會在本篇論文中解決並提出討論,我們會平衡Wi-Fi晶片與微處理器之間的工作量及資源使用。除此之外,所有相關任務無論是傳送還是接收也都需要即時被處理。


物聯網 SPI Wi-Fi 嵌入式Wi-Fi 微控制器


Recent years, the rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT) make the huge revolution of the Internet. All things in the IoT make themselves recognizable and they obtain intelligence by making or enabling context related decisions. This transformation is concomitant with the emergence of wireless sensor network and the transition of the Internet towards IPv6 with an almost unlimited addressing capacity. For connecting the objects around people into Internet, the number of connectivity requirement will increase. In order to the vision of widely used, such as Smart Mobility, Smart Home, Smart Buildings, even Smart Cities, the communication platform should be low price and safety. Therefore, we propose an Embedded Wi-Fi architecture to satisfy the vision of connectivity. In the proposed architecture, we use low-cost SPI-based interface to communicate between a low-power Wi-Fi chip and an inexpensive Micro Controller Unit (MCU). We balance the workload and the resource, such as code, storage, and address register, between Wi-Fi chip and MCU, and complete Wi-Fi functions in limited hardware resource. Moreover, the response time of tasks is in real time.


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