  • 學位論文


The relationship among proactive personality, transformationalleadership, service climate, service performance, and customer satisfaction: A Multi-level Study

指導教授 : 陳明園博士


近視是全世界相當普遍的眼睛疾病,台灣近視率亦為亞洲地區最高之一,眼鏡儼然已成為大多數人日常生活的必需品。此外,在全球服務產業日趨重要的情況下,服務業面臨日趨競爭的產業環境,使得競爭優勢的掌握成為一項重要的課題。由於眼鏡零售業在技術與人才的轉變已與過往大不相同,技術提升與員工素質等因素成了影響企業經營績效的重要因素。而在此情境下,若能提升員工服務績效,提升顧客滿意度則其所彰顯 之成效對於組織競爭優勢之影響甚深。 本研究以眼鏡零售業為研究樣本,以多層次之觀點探討主動性人格、轉換型領導、服務氣候、服務績效、顧客滿意度等變數關係。研究樣本由51間店之51位店長、175位員工、557位顧客所組成。本研究以階層線性模式分析法進行分析,區分為個人層次與分店層次兩層,研究結果發現不論是個人層次之主動性人格或是分店層次之轉換型領導、服務氣候皆對個人服務績效有正向的影響效果、分店層次服務氣候對分店層次轉換型領導與主動性人格具有完全中介效果、分店層次服務績效對顧客滿意度有正向的影響 效果。 本研究在相關的理論貢獻為,本研究對服務績效進行多面向之探討,蒐集不同資料來源、整合微觀與巨觀的面向探討員工服務績效之前因與後果。在實務意涵部分,本研究針對研究結果對眼鏡零售業提出包括對於高品質服務績效的重視、強化主管轉換型領 導之方式等建議。對於未來研究建議部分,則提出縱斷面的樣本收集方式、擴大樣本數及涵蓋不同企業、分店、員工、顧客等四層次的研究建議等項。


With an increasingly competitive marketplace in the service industry, front-line service employees play a critical role in service encounters. According to empirical evidence shows that customers would increase their purchases while they experience higher satisfaction. So, it is important to know what predicts employee service performance. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among proactive personality, transformational leadership, service climate, service performance, and customer satisfaction. This study develops a proposal model of how employee proactive personality, store-level transformational leadership, store-level service climate affect employee service performance and how store-level service performance affect customer satisfaction. Optical stores are chosen as samples in which include 51 managers, 175 employees, and 557 customers from 51 stores. This study employs a cross-sectional design and uses HLM analysis to test the hypotheses. This study’s findings provided support for our main hypotheses. Proactive personality, store-level transformational leadership, store-level service climate are found to have a positive and significant effect on service performance. In addition, the relationship between store-level transformational leadership and service performance was full mediated by store-level service climate. Store-level service performance is found to have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. This study concludes with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of findings.


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