  • 學位論文


A Study of Mathematical Demands in Vocational High Schools

指導教授 : 單維彰


本論文之研究目的是欲從專業領域的角度出發,以探討技術型高中(民國103 年前稱為高級職業學校)對數學知識及能力的學習需求。基於此一目的,研究者先探討教育現況,以瞭解技職體系中各職群的選修人數,再從專業科目、教學現場這二方面,來探討現行數學課程與專業領域在供給與需求上的差異。 本研究依研究結果一,選定學生人數合計超過一半的前三大職群:「商業與管理群」、「餐旅群」、「電機與電子群」作為研究對象,分別針對其共同專業科目的內容作分析,詳實記載各選用教科書中與高職數學相關的內容,並與現行高職數學課程綱要(99 高職課綱)作比較。再以此分析內容作為研究工具,訪談教授專業科目的教師,以瞭解教學現場中,與數學相關的困難及需求。 最後依據蒐集的文獻、內容分析與訪談的結果,分別對數學科的課程內容、教學順序、教材內容,以及未來的研究方向提出建議,期盼本研究對我國未來技術型高中,在數學教科書的撰寫與數學綱要的修訂上,皆能提供有助益之參考。


The purpose of this thesis is to investigate learning needs of mathematics in vocational high schools. Based on this target, I first want to know the enrollment rate in each career clusters according to the current statues of technological and vocational education, and then to discuss whether the mathematics curriculum provides sufficient mathematical knowledge for learning professional courses. The discussion is designed by two aspects–content analysis of professional textbooks, and interviews with their teachers. Objects of study are the three career clusters which consist of over 50% of enrollment rates: “Business and Management”, “Hospitality-Major Category”, “Electronics and Electrical Engineering”. I elaborately record mathematical contents that are included in textbooks of professional subjects used in vocational high schools and then analyze those with current vocational high schools mathematics curriculum guideline. Furthermore, I use the results of analysis as research instrument to interview teachers in order to know the difficulties and demands for mathematics in the teaching scene. Basing on the collected information and results of content analysis and interview, I offer some suggestions to vocational mathematics curriculum, the teaching material contents, and arrangement orders. I hope this thesis will be a beneficial reference for future mathematics textbooks and mathematics curriculum modification in vocation high schools in Taiwan.


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