  • 學位論文


Automatic Construction of Wave Digital Filter Structure for Analog Circuit Emulation

指導教授 : 周景揚


隨著製程的演進,混合訊號(Analog/mixed-signal)系統的晶片設計變得越來越昂貴且複雜,因此在測試和設計類比系統時,類比晶片的模擬(Simulation)和仿真(Emulation) 變得很重要,使用波動數位濾波器(Wave Digital Filter)的轉換法則,將類比電路轉換成數位電路來加以模擬是一個快速且準確的方法,相較於其他的模擬方法,這個方法產生較少的運算單元而且在不同製程也有較佳的適應性,然而將類比電路轉換成波動數位架構電路是非常耗時且易出錯的,因此發展一個自動化的波動數位架構產生器是急迫且必須的。 在本篇論文中,我們提出了一個自動產生波動數位架構的產生器。在轉換階段,此產生器降低了波動數位架構的連接器(Adaptor)數量達到降低面積的目的,除此之外,提出的產生器也有效的降低了架構的深度以達到提升電路的效能。根據幾個實驗的電路,本論文發展的產生器成功地根據對映的類比電路合成出有較少連接器數量和較低深度的波動數位架構。


The design and development of analog/mixed-signal (AMS) integrated circuits (ICs) is becoming increasingly expensive and complex as the process technologies advances. Simulation and emulation of analog ICs will be crucial in the design and testing of complex analog systems. Using Wave Digital principle to convert the analog circuit to digital circuit is a fast and accurate way to approach analog simulation and emulation. It generates fewer calculation units after converting by WD principle and is more applicable in different processes than other approaches. However, it is very time-consuming and error-prone in converting the analog circuit to the wave digital structure circuit manually. Therefore, it is urgent and necessary to develop an automatic wave digital structure generator. The thesis proposes an efficient algorithm to generate legal Wave Digital structure. In the mapping step, the generator reduces the amount of adaptors in the Wave Digital structure to reduce area. In addition, the proposed generator can also reduce the depth of the structure to enhance the circuit performance. According to the experimental results on several circuits, the generator successfully generates the correct wave digital structure with fewer adaptors and smaller depth for corresponding analog circuits.


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