  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 謝定亞


摘要 過去因營造產業獲利能力較佳,對於物料損耗之管理較不重視,但隨著時間的推移,現今因為營造業獲利已經不如從前,物料之損耗及浪費卻沒有明顯改善,再加上視合理的損耗為正常之現象,故需比以前做出更有效的物料損耗之控管。本研究藉由專家訪談及文獻探討,先行了解現階段物料損耗管理之現況,以及探討模板材料、石材以及鋼筋材料損耗之成因,並提出在分包契約中投入激勵機制之策略,提供營造廠對分包廠商之管理,以提升物料損耗之管理期望達成降低損耗之目標。最後將本研究提出之激勵機制對分包商進行訪談,統整各個分包商對激勵機制之看法,得出激勵機制確實能使分包商為了獎勵而產生行動之意願,降低營建物料的損耗,此激勵機制能提供營造廠做為控制損耗之策略。 關鍵詞:物料損耗、分包契約、激勵機制、營造廠、分包商


The issue of controlling material waste on site seldom becomes the focus of site management, due to the ignorable quantity and cost involved. Practitioners often take a lump-sum percentage off the total quantity of material used on site, treating the deduction as a justifiable amount of waste in routine construction. As the profit margin dwindles in the past decade in Taiwan’s construction industry, the area of material wastes has received more attention, and becomes one of the concerns for further cost saving on site. The idea of material control, as a sub-area of cost control, is not new. What is new is that site management has to establish an effective mechanism to raise attention is a long-forgotten area of cost concern. Indeed, as the stereotypical idea of a justifiable amount of waste has been in practice, pushing down the amount of material wastes requires innovative managerial approach. The aim of this study is to investigate the extent of material wastes in major construction activities, namely formwork, rebar work, and masonry. This study will exercise extensive interviews with field practitioners and to acquire their experience/wisdom in the area of material management. The emphasis of the attempted approach will be in devising incentive schemes in various aspects of supply chain management. The proposed schemes will then be tested by further interviews with qualified practitioners. The main contribution of this work includes first the extent to which material waste management is investigated, and secondly the most promising areas to achieving savings in material waste management are identified, and finally the managerial approach to incentivize savings on site is proposed. This proposed approach may be experimented further in future research.


