  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship between Task Performance,Challanging Job Experiences and Career Sucess: The Moderating Effects of LMX and LLX

指導教授 : 林文政


在面臨少子化的時代,人才的競爭愈來愈激烈,而企業的全球化經營、資通訊技術快速發展、需求愈來愈多元的時代下,大幅改變了人們的職業及工作內容,如何能夠辨識出「符合公司永續經營」的高潛力人才,將是管理者及人力資源管理者需學習的重要課題。現今大多數企業仍習慣以任務性績效(Task Performance)做為企業評斷人才的第一步,但這些「眼下」的人才,能不能夠彈性應對環境的變化與企業共同成長,仍然得靠多方面的評估,挑戰性工作經驗(Challenging Performance)則是一項很好的工具。員工藉由非行為性的任務性績效讓自己在企業的能見度得以增加,企業再多賦予行為性的挑戰性工作經驗機會,讓員工能不斷地去提升自我價值,不僅對企業有利,員工甚而達到職涯成功(Career Success)。在過去相關研究文獻中,很少將主管與部屬的關係列入影響員工職涯成功的變項因素,本研究在探討任務性績效、挑戰性工作經驗對職涯成功的關聯性,特別將領導-部屬交換關係(LMX)甚至將主管與其主管群間之社會交換關係,即領導-領導交換關係(LLX)列為調節變項,以觀察其影響性。 學者研究中常會由職涯滿意、晉升力評分及薪資增加三項來判斷職涯成功與否,本研究僅以前兩項為研究因素。以階層迴歸分析任務性績效、挑戰性工作經驗對職涯成功的解釋力,同時將LMX及LLX兩種社會交換關係對上述間存在的調節效果。主效果的分析結果說明,任務性績效、挑戰性工作經驗與職涯成功三者具明顯的正向關係,但加入LMX及LLX後,卻無調節效果。


In the era of low birth rate, more and more intense competition for talent., and global management of enterprises, the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology, under increasingly diverse needs of the times, dramatically changed people's career and job content. How to identify "meet the company's needs," the high potentials? will be an important issue managers and human resource managers need to learn. "Task Performance" can be used as the first step in enterprise judge of talent, but "right now" people, the ability to respond to environmental changes in elasticity and businesses grow, still must rely on a wide range of assessment, "Challenging Performance" is a good tool. Employees make their company's visibility increased by Non-behavioral “Task Performance”. Companies give employees a little more opportunity, " behavior challenging experience ", so that employees can continue to enhance self-worth, not only for business, the staff even reach the "Career Success". In the past, the research literature on career success, Supervisor and subordinate relationships are rarely career success factors included the impact of staff. This study was to explore the task of performance, challenging work experience related to career success, especially the Leader-Member exchange relationship (LMX) and even between the competent social exchange relationships with their supervisors group that Leader-Leader exchange relationship (LLX ) as adjustment variables, in order to observe the effect of.


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