  • 學位論文


Study of Olfaction-Induced Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technique in Normal Subject

指導教授 : 李柏磊


嗅覺可說是人體當中五感的其中之一,當我們吸氣聞味道時,位在鼻腔中的嗅覺受體,可將外界刺激轉為電訊號藉由嗅球傳遞到腦部中,大腦再將這些訊息組合處理,以感受到特定氣味。由於嗅覺掌管了人體的記憶與情緒,當嗅覺出現喪失情形對於日常生活上影響非常大,因此本次研究藉由正常人的大腦研究觀察受到嗅覺刺激時所產生的大腦區域相關功能區的反應。本研究徵召8 位正常受測者(年齡介於20~50 歲之間),使用GE 1.5 T 的MRI 儀器與ETT-V2 嗅覺機提供味道刺激進行掃描,在試驗中會給予受測者味道刺激12 秒,休息30 秒,且味道的刺激是採隨機出現,每味道刺激完後會讓受測者用MR compatible 滑鼠判斷味道出現與否。將fMRI 資料利用SPM8 (Statistical Parametric Mapping) 建立GLM model 即推論統計上的分析,我們發現在大腦眶額皮質(orbitofrontal cortex)有明顯的活化情形,而8 位受測者平均行為答對率高達98%。


Olfaction is one of five senses in human body. Chemoreceptors in our nostrial sense external odors and translate them into electrical signals to our brain. Our brains then integrate these information in order to identify particular smell. Since olfaction is highly related to our memory and emotion, loss of olfactory sensation will significantly affect patients daily life activities. In this thesis, we utilized functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI ) to study the olfactory-induced responses in human brain. We recruited 8 healthy subject, ages ranged from 20 ~50 years old, in our study. All participants received 12 secs olfactory stimuli followed by 30 secs inter-stimulus interval. The presence of olfactory stimuli was arranged in random oder and was generated by ETT-V2 olfactometer. The behavior responses of subjects were also recorded by answering their sense of smell through a MR compatible mouse. The fMRI signals were analyzed by SPM8 (Statistical Parametric Mapping) using general linear regression (GLM) model. We found all subjects had clear brain activation in orbitofrontal cortex during olfactory stimulation, and the correctness of behavior responses were higher than 98%.


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