  • 學位論文

盧貝松電影「第五元素」: 經由類型電影混融以及人、人造人、外星人 三族並存所建構的未來世界

Le Cinquième élément de Luc Besson : construction d’un monde futuriste par une hybridité des genres filmiques et la confrontation de triple race : l’humain, l’homme artificiel et l’extraterrestre

指導教授 : 翁振盛


中文摘要 (Sommaire Chinois) 盧貝松電影《第五元素》於1997年上映,為當年坎城影展開幕片,次年隨即在凱薩電影獎贏得最佳導演及最佳影片兩個獎項。 片中想像的未來世界中,人、人造人、外星人三個種族並存。經由這樣的角色設定,我們發現這部電影混雜了不同的電影類型,並且三個族類事實上代表人性的三種不同面向。本研究的目的在於分析盧貝松如何透過三個種族呈現電影《第五元素》,並了解三個種族如何反映現實社會的問題。 第一章根據《第五元素》混融的三種電影類型,分成三個部分:聖經及神話故事電影、災難片及科幻片。不同的混融電影類型涵蓋了許多和本研究主題相關的電影主題。從探討「創世紀」到檢討「人造神」,帶出基督教/天主教的宗教觀、災難與人的生死和二十三世紀的想像世界,從而分析電影主題與這三個種族,也就是三種人性面向之間的連結。 第二章則著重於剖析《第五元素》的電影技巧。從電影剪輯、舞台背景、裝飾道具及人物關係中,我們發現人、人造人、外星人三族既並存又對立的特性。空間與人物的關係、交通工具與角色的關係以及角色之間的關係是本章探討的主要問題。 從電影類型混融和電影技巧分析,我們發現導演將本片當作一現代預言,目的是為了要激發觀眾思考現實生活中的政治社會議題。最終,《第五元素》成功的創造了一種新的電影類型:盧貝松式的類型混融電影。


第五元素 盧貝松 電影 人造人 外星人 未來 電影類型 種族 宗教 預言 混融


Abstract (Sommaire Anglais) The Fifth Element is directed by Luc Besson. Premiered as the opening film in 1997 Festival of Cannes, this movie was awarded The Best film in 1998 César du cinéma ceremony and also allowed Luc Besson to be awarded as The Best Director. There are three kinds of races in the imaginary futuristic world constructed by The Fifth Element : man, artificial man and alien. These three races help us to find the phenomenon of the genre hybridization in this movie. This research tries to answer the following questions : how Luc Besson presented The Fifth Element by the characterization of these three races? In what why, these three races reflect the reality? And finally, how Luc Besson influences his audience by The Fifth Element? The first chapter is divided into three parts due to the mixture of three genres : péplum, disaster and science fiction. The hybridization of film genres brings about different themes related to our research. From the origin of human beings to the creation of artificial man, the stress is put on the great Christian conception of man, disasters and the imagination of the future and, particularly, their connections with these three races, which represent three dimensions of humanity. The second chapter focuses on cinematographic techniques in The Fifth Element, especially the montage, the decor and the usage of colors. Men, artificial men and aliens coexist and are opposed to each other. Relations between space and characters, transportation and characters, and between the characters themselves are three principal aspects in this part of our research. From our analysis of film genres and techniques, we discover that this movie is used by the director as a contemporary prophesy, in order to encourage people to think about contemporary political and social issues. By way of The Fifth Element, Luc Beeson successfully created a new genre of movie: Besson’s own genre-hybridization.


The Fifth Element Luc Besson Movie Man Artificial man Alien Future Film genre Race Religion Prophesy Hybridization


Les œuvres cinématographiques de Luc Besson
Subway (Luc Besson, 1985)
Le Grand bleu (Luc Besson, 1988)
Nikita (Luc Besson, 1990)
