  • 學位論文


Enhancing Quality and Efficiency of Regular Bridge Inspection in Taiwan

指導教授 : 姚乃嘉 蔡閔光


橋梁為臺灣地區多山多谷地形中不可或缺之重要交通設施。依據目前「臺灣地區橋梁管理資訊系統」之資料統計,全臺共有大小橋梁28,418座,其中有31%橋梁之橋齡在30年以上。老舊橋梁除了材料本身易劣化外,天然災害發生時亦較易受到損害。此外,臺灣地區位環太平洋地震帶上,每年夏季易受颱風侵襲,強降雨不但在山區引發土石流,也造成河川水位暴漲,急流沖刷使得河床下降,連帶影響橋梁安全。 橋梁之定期檢測為橋梁管理維護中極重要之作業。現行公路養護規範中之定期檢測是採用「DER&U目視檢測法」,惟此檢測方法面臨下列主要的問題:(1)定期檢測項目未充分包含特殊橋梁構件、(2)定期檢測之成果無法正確反應出橋梁之狀況與抗災能力、(3)橋梁定期檢測結果之詳實度有疑慮、及(4)需要有效的方法或工具進行橋梁檢測以減少「無法檢測」情形之發生。 本研究之研究成果為:(1)提出特殊類型橋梁構件之定期檢測方式、(2)建立橋梁狀況指標中各構件權重分配之方法、(3)建立多種橋梁抗災能力指標、(4)建立三維橋梁模型自動生成方法以呈現橋梁之劣化狀況、(5)使用行動裝置應用程式進行橋梁定期檢測、以及(6)使用無人飛行載具進行橋梁定期檢測。本研究之成果可改善或解決目前定期檢測作業所面臨的問題,提升臺灣地區橋梁目視檢測之效能,並增進橋梁管理機關維護管理之成效。


Taiwan is a mountainous island with many rivers and creeks thus bridges play an important role in transportation. According to Taiwan Bridge Management System (TBMS), there are 28,418 bridges in Taiwan. For these bridges, 31% had been built more than 30 years. Also, most are facing material deterioration and threatened by natural disasters. In addition, Taiwan locates on the Pacific-rim of seismic thus earthquakes occur frequently, and there are often torrential rains brought by typhoons in summer time that cause floods, scouring, and mudflows. These natural disasters are threatens to the bridges. Bridge inspection is a crucial task in bridge management. To evaluate bridge condition, DER&U, a visual inspection method, is common for regular bridge inspection in Taiwan. However, there are four major problems in current regular bridge inspection: (1) types of bridge components are not defined for inspection for all types of bridge, (2) inspection results cannot represent a bridge’s ability to resist disasters, (3) inspection may not be properly performed thus the results become untrustworthy, and (4) new tools or methods are needed for bridges that are hard to be inspected. Results of this research are listed as follows: (1) defining special components for different types of bridges for inspection, (2) adjusting automatically the weight for each component used for calculating a condition index of the bridge, (3) establishing a mechanism for fast evaluation of a bridge’s abilities in resisting natural disasters, (4) generating automatically a 3D bridge model for each type of bridge for visualization of deterioration , (5) using bridge inspection application on mobile devices to facilitate regular bridge inspection ,and (6) using unmanned aerial vehicle to facilitate regular bridge inspection. It is believed that these research results can increase the quality of bridge inspection and management in Taiwan.


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