  • 學位論文


Development of A 3D Model for Assisting Bridge Inspection

指導教授 : 姚乃嘉


臺灣地區橋梁有四千餘座橋齡已超過30年,逐漸邁入重維修之老劣化時期。橋梁管理機關依規定須定期進行橋梁檢測作業,以延續橋梁使用年限。但現行橋梁目視檢測作業,仍以紙本作業為主,檢測完畢上傳至台灣地區橋梁管理資訊系統時,容易產生輸入錯誤之情形;且橋梁檢測人員為描述損壞構件的劣化位置,所使用的橋梁劣化示意圖,缺乏統一標準與系統化的儲存方式,以至橋梁管理機關在管理及使用時作業效率不彰。 因此本研究結合Google Earth API、PHP與MySQL,建置一套三維橋梁目視檢測雛型系統,提供三維橋梁圖形電子化介面,讓橋梁檢測人員點選Google Earth環境中橋梁三維模型之構件,以逐跨與逐墩的方式填寫檢測資料,並透過三維模型呈現橋梁檢測結果與構件劣化資訊,以輔助橋梁管理機關能快速判讀橋梁檢測資訊,以提升後續養護作業效率。 本研究所建立之三維橋梁目視檢測雛形系統,透過新竹縣中正大橋實地測試,證明可解決重新輸入橋梁檢測資訊容易錯誤之問題,並可藉由三維模型呈現劣化示意圖,突顯須特別注意維護之橋梁構件。本研究成果可供橋梁管理機關未來發展相關系統參考。


There are more than four thousand bridges that are older than thirty years and require more attentions in maintenance. Bridge management agencies need to perform regular bridges inspections to extend their service lives. However, current practice of bridge inspection requires manual input into the Taiwan Bridge Management System (T-BMS) after the inspection that can easily result in errors. Moreover, the simplified illustrations of bridge deteriorations have no standards. These create significant inefficiency to the agencies. This research integrates various types of software such as Google Earth, PHP, and MySQL to establish a 3D prototypical system to assist the bridge inspection task. The 3D system allows the inspector to input the inspection data, span by span, in Google Earth where the worse deteriorations of the bridge components are also shown. The built 3D system is able to improve the bridge inspection processes, stores the data correctly, and facilities the agencies to identify seriously deteriorated bridge components.. The built 3D prototypical system was tested on the Chung-Jen Bridge located in Hsinchu County, Taiwan. The results demonstrate that the system is able to reduce input errors and display serious deteriorated bride components that require maintenance attentions in the 3D environment. Results of this research are deemed to be helpful to the bridge management agencies when developing such systems.


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