  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蘇信一




This study uses data of plasma density irregularities observed by ROCSAT-1 (FORMOSAT-1) to correlate with the occurrences of deep atmospheric convection in the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) represented by the observation of outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) to search the seeds for the irregularity occurrences. Regions of study is divided into seven regions, Africa, Indian, West Pacific, Central Pacific, East Pacific, South America and Atlantic to search the correlation between the monthly occurrences of irregularities and OLRs. The results indicate that except South America and Africa sectors, there is practically no correlation existed between the occurrences of irregularities and OLRs. As for the Africa sector, the correlation between irregularities and OLRs only exists when the dip latitude is restricted within +- 15 degrees in latitude. The current study indicates that the inferred appearances of atmospheric gravity wave from the OLR observation in ITCZ cannot be used as the proxy for the seed in the subsequent occurrences of ionospheric irregularities.


Irregularity ITCZ OLR


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