  • 學位論文


Applying Business Object-based Process Analysis for Redesigning New Integrated System from Legacy Systems

指導教授 : 許智誠


本研究在國科會專案兩年進行過程中的專案發展過程上,經由瀑布式軟體開發實作出國內學者許智誠教授(2008)提出的「MyVLS:一個個人化的英文字彙學習平台與系統」。 如今,MyVLS 個人化英文單字學習系統目前仍為雛型系統,而MyVLS 個人化英文單字學習系統平台內存在數個既存資訊系統,雖然經歷一段反覆修正及測試過程後,平台達到穩定狀態,但現今仍為雛形,所以無法上線以提供眾多學習者使用。因此系統必須進行重整,根據 Carsten Hentrich & Uwe Zdun 於2006年提出的「以流程驅動的服務導向系統架構中商業物件模式整合的資訊系統開發模式」,其方法論在資訊系統發展的「系統發展生命週期」為系統設計階段內細部操作之階段。   本研究從重新檢視現有系統中數個既存資訊系統的系統分析階段內邏輯性系統流程設計,並且與兩位學者所提出具體細部設計實作的方法論比較後,從原方法論模型中置入本研究的邏輯層系統流程重整設計。本研究提出一個能應用於數個既存系統的系統分析階段中新邏輯層設計方法論,透過整理出(1)目標系統流程(2)邏輯商業物件(3)商業物件操作(4)邏輯服務(5)邏輯服務與實體服務的對應(6)商業物件狀態圖,藉此整理設計出符合新目標的新整合應用目標系統。完成目標系統架構邏輯設計後,再以商業物件狀態圖去檢視目標流程的動態執行狀況,以驗證針對複雜情境時,該架構的完整性與適用性 。從本研究所提出用邏輯商業物件、邏輯服務與既存服務所構成的邏輯性流程設計到兩位學者所提出的實體細部設計進行對應 ,並且進行邏輯服務與邏輯商業物件對應到實體物件的整理。   相較於原方法論的細部設計,在應用商業物件流程分析於重整設計既存資訊系統上,若能先應用本研究所提出的邏輯性層次的服務與商業物件操作概念來做邏輯設計,會更加容易接續進行原方法論的實體實作階段之細部設計,進而達成目的。


Vocabulary is the foundation and core of language. Learning vocabulary is important, but learners are still difficult to remember vocabulary. MyVLS is applying the constructive teaching/learning theory and the concept of web-based learning community to our learning platform.   Nowadays MyVLS is still a prototype system. There are a lot of legacy systems of MyVLS which could not satisfy with more and more new requirements in several learning situations. The maintainability of legacy system is decreasing, and the cost is growing up. How to solve the difficulties on system maintenance? System reengineering is commonly used as a solution. How to choose a good migration strategy is also a big issue.   This research focuses on finding an object-oriented strategy for the legacy systems with new system requirements and a methodology of designing new MyVLS platform. The methodology is considered with the methodology, Patterns for Business Object Model Integration in Process-Driven and Service-Oriented Architectures, by Uwe Zdun, Carsten Hentrich, and Wil M. P. Van Der Aalst in 2006. The methodology of this research is applied to implement new MyVLS platform with logical business objects, state diagrams and operations of business objects, and the mapping of process analysis in target system and logical services in order to refactor new system requirements with the legacy systems of MyVLS in several learning situations. By the methodology of this research, applying business object-based process analysis for redesigning new integrated system from legacy systems is much easier.


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