  • 學位論文


Analysis and Evaluation of Digital Image Quality

指導教授 : 范國清


本篇論文提出一種數位影像系統的影像品質評估方法。手機、數位相機,可說是21世紀初,影響人類生活模式的重大發明。手機是一項劃時代的發明,90年代的手機,功能簡單,主要著重於通訊。現代的手機,不可同日而語,種類繁多,琳瑯滿目,且能提供許多的服務功能。其中有一項功能更是改變了整個手機產品的設計,甚至是Notebook或者是其它相關的電子產品。這就是數位影像裝置,簡單說就是手機加數位相機。所以說數位影像的時代已經來臨,隨手拍照、錄影已經變成一種風潮,數位影像品質也愈來愈受到大家重視。 現在的數位影像產品主要以手機相機,數位相機為主。產品種類繁多,影像品質不一,本論文提出一套評估數位影像系統品質差異方法,加入考量人眼視覺的方法來評估數位影像品質,希望可以用科學計算的方法,作為數位影像品質客觀指標。避免人眼判定數位影像品質的一些個人因素影響,但是評估數位影像品質的指標也要接近人眼判別的趨勢。


This thesis presents an objective method for evaluating the quality of digital images captured by mobile phones. Mobile phone and digital camera are one of great inventions which affect human lifestyle in the 21 century. Digital imaging era is coming. Taking pictures by recording people’s daily life becomes not only a fashion but also a must. Following the trend, digital image quality gradually becomes a key issue concerned by most people instead of merely capturing images。 Most digital imaging products are mobile phone camera and digital camera。 There are many products on the market and the quality of image is different。 How to assess the image quality is a technology。There are two methods in evaluating digital image quality:subjective evaluation and objective evaluation。 The former is to compare the image quality by human’s eyes,The latter is using more scientific and statistical method to generalize the quality index。Traditional assessment method is less objective since it is judged by human''s eyes,This paper will propose a comprehensive system to assess digital images Considering the human visual system(HVS) approach to evaluate and analysis the digital image quality。We can get the scientific method to be the objective index of digital image。We need to avoid to judge the digital image by human’s eyes,but the assessment index of the digital image quality should close to human''s eyes,It is a trend。


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