  • 學位論文


Chiang Ching-kuo in Southern Jiangxi(1938-1944)

指導教授 : 吳振漢


本文主要探討蔣經國自蘇聯歸國後,在1939年6月至1945年擔任江西省第四行政區專員公署行政督察專員兼保安司令期間,在贛南所推動的各項改革。蔣經國身為蔣中正的長子,自15歲起,就到蘇聯求學,甚至在蘇聯期間發表對蔣中正不滿的言詞,父子倆關係惡化。在歸國後,畢竟血濃於水,蔣中正與蔣經國關係逐漸好轉,在江西省主席熊式輝的建議下,蔣經國動身前往江西省任職。江西省也就成為了蔣經國的發跡之地,蔣經國在江西省培養嫡系幹部,進而走入中央,使其日後在中央占有一席之地。而蔣氏在贛南推動新政,獲得國內外一致好評,累積了諸多經驗。 綜上所述,本文首先以蔣經國到贛南的經過,作為起點,探討在諸多省份當中,為何蔣經國會被派到江西省的過程。進一步討論蔣經國在擔任新兵督練處處長期間,訓練新兵的方式,以及在軍中推廣政訓工作的情形。自1939年到1945年初,蔣經國擔任江西省第四行政區專員,主政贛南。憑其在蘇聯的經驗,以及個人特殊身分,投注大量心力,在改革地方舊習,清除地方舊勢力後,推出「新贛南建設三年計畫」。蔣經國利用幹部訓練、保甲的組織,逐漸掌控贛南機關以及民眾,開始進行改革。蔣經國首要目標在於基礎教育的建立,在蔣經國推動下,贛南地區國民教育師資以及學校數量獲得提升。蔣經國此時也推動掃盲教育,使當時贛南文盲人數大幅降低,透過基礎教育的建立,也培植民眾抗戰建國的決心。蔣經國為了增加贛南的財政收入,進行地方財政的整頓,廢除苛捐雜稅,解決百姓壓力,進而利用其特殊身分,取得鹽務、鎢礦等特殊財源。在培植地方經濟基礎方面,蔣經國在農業、工業、商業力行革新,也取得一定的成效。使過去經濟落後且閉塞的贛南,在社會、文化、政治、經濟各方面皆有新的轉變與進步。


三年計畫 贛南 蔣經國


This paper discusses the reform done by Chiang Ching-kuo who served as the Chief Inspector of Jiangxi Province and Commissioner of the Fourth Administrative Office of the Commissioner and the security commander when he returned from Soviet Union from June 1939 to 1945. As the eldest son of Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Ching-kuo went to Soviet Union for further study from fifteen. During that period, he even published the dissatisfaction to Chiang Kai-shek and the relation between them deteriorated. After Chiang Ching-kuo returned from Soviet Union, the relation between Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo gradually improved. According to the advice from Chairman of Jiangxi Province Xiong-hui, Chiang Kai-shek decided to send Chiang Ching-kuo to hold the post in Jiangxi Province. Jiangxi Province has become the land of fortune for Chiang Ching-kuo. From then on, Chiang Ching-kuo started to develop his own direct cadres in Jiangxi Province, and then entered the central government. Chiang Ching-kuo’s reform in Southern Jiangxi Province gathered a lot of appreciative reputations from home and abroad and accumulated a lot of experience of governance. In summary, this paper starts from the process why Chiang Ching-kuo was sent to Southern Jiangxi Province not the other provinces. Furthermore, this paper would discuss how Chiang Ching-kuo trained the recruit when he served as Director of recruits in Jiangxi Province. Since 1939 to early 1945, Chiang Ching-kuo served as Administrative Officer of Southern Jiangxi Province. With his experience in the Soviet Union and his own special background, Chiang Ching-kuo devoted himself to eliminate the local counterforce and executed "Three-year Plan" The establishment of basic education is the first priority in Chiang Ching-kuo’s mind. Under Chiang Ching-kuo’s promotion, the quality and the quantity of qualified primary teachers and schools in Southern Jiangxi were elevated. Furthermore, Chiang Ching-kuo also devoted to lower the number of illiteracies and educated people in Southern Jiangxi to be part of the war of resistance. In order to increase revenue, Chiang Ching-kuo consolidate the local finance and cut the exorbitant taxes and levies to lower the pressure of living for most people in Southern Jiangxi. Besides, Chiang Ching-kuo got the revenue from dominating the affairs of salt and tungsten. Chiang Ching-kuo also got the great results in agriculture, industry and commerce in Southern Jiangxi. In other words, Chiang Ching-kuo shifted unenlightened Southern Jiangxi to make progress of society, culture, politics and economy.


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