  • 學位論文


The influence of collaborative programming to learning

指導教授 : 黃武元


隨著Web Based應用的普及,服務涵蓋的範圍越來越廣,因此為眾多程式設計學習者設計一個可以合作進行程式設計的環境是重要的,為此本研究建置了Web Based Programming Assisted System for Collaboration(簡稱WPASC)系統,想探討合作式的程式設計活動對於學習者們的影響,在WPASC系統中設計了合作式程式設計的練習活動,透過系統中所提供的線上程式設計、程式觀看與分享、程式除錯與改進功能,來促進合作式程式設計,並記錄學習者們程式設計過程中的行為,並依照這些行為進行分析歸類,整理出具有不同特色的合作式程式設計學習型態,再對學習者們在每次活動中所呈現的學習型態進行個別的探討,找出形成之原因和其中有趣的現象,最後藉由開放式問卷進行驗證,希望作為之後合作式程式設計相關研究的參考。


With the popularity and wide coverage of Web Based applications, designing a collaborative programming environment for the user is important. The purpose of this study is to build a Web Based Programming Assisted System for Collaboration (WPASC), and explore the influence of collaborative programming to learning. We design some collaborative programming activities to stimulate their collaborative interest and motivation in the system. By using the functions of online coding, program reviewing and sharing, peer debugging provided by the WPASC system, learners can promote their collaborative programming. We record the behavior of the student’s programming process. After the experiments, we analyze the data we collected and investigate student’s different collaborative programming learning styles. Moreover, we try to study the causes of the classification and some interesting phenomenon by analyzing the learning behavior that learners presented in each activity individually. We give questionnaire result to support our classification. Finally conclusion and suggestion are given.


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