  • 學位論文


Study of estimation of regional building-related C&D waste generation and innovation in C&D waste management

指導教授 : 林志棟


近年來由於全球暖化、溫室氣體排放量增加,可能導致全世界之氣候變遷,節能減碳與永續發展逐步成為各國重要議題,而營建廢棄物若能資源回收再利用便可以減少原生材料之開採,達成循環型社會之目標。我國目前營建業所產生之二氧化碳排放量約佔整體25%,因此營建產業亦必須負起節能減碳之責任,如何於營建工地落實營建廢棄物減量及再利用,為當前首要之務。 本研究建立營建廢棄物產生量推估模式以擷取環保署97年7月至98年9月營建廢棄物全國申報系統及營建署全國申報系統之申報資料,輔以資料採礦及決策樹,推估建築拆除工程營建廢棄物產生量,希冀透過推估模式能幫助環保署建立拆除工程營建廢棄物產生量評估基準,以確實掌握營建工地廢棄物產生量,以避免違規處理情形。為確實掌握流向,本研究中結合無線射頻辨識技術(RFID)、全球衛星定位系統(GPS)及遠端監控設備,建構營建廢棄物即時監控管理系統,應用於營建工地、清運車輛及營建廢棄物處理場所,以確實進行營建廢棄物流向管理。 落實營建廢棄物減量策略,期望協助業主、設計團隊及承包廠商從設計至施工階段在不同的層面,納入實踐廢棄物減量與管理觀念,落實營建工地現地分類作業,將我國每年建築新建與拆除工程產生之數百萬噸營建廢棄物中屬於安定可再生利用之資源,如廢棄混凝土塊、鋼筋、木頭、玻璃等再使用或再生利用,預期可減少72%營建廢棄物產生。 本研究針對我國營建廢棄物法規政策、營建工地源頭管理制度、處理場所流向管理、處理場所資源化技術進行探討,並參考世界先進國家營建廢棄物管理制度,以建立營建廢棄物產生量推估模式、營建廢棄物流向管理技術、營建廢棄物減量措施及營建廢棄物管理策略,以期協助政府機關及營建業,針對營建廢棄物於進行工地源頭減量及再利用作業,將本研究成果彙整成營建廢棄物管理知識平台,以利政府機關及營建業作為教育宣導之用。


The issues like energy saving, carbon reduction, and sustainable development have gradually become essential topics respected by all nations in view of deteriorated global warming and greenhouse gas emissions probably causing climate changes of the Earth. Comparably, the recycling of resources, reducing the demand of exploiting natural raw materials, will contribute to the recycling-oriented society. According to statistics, the Taiwan construction industry accounts for 25% of the total amount of carbon dioxide discharged. Therefore, it has become the responsibility of the industry to implement energy saving and carbon reduction. With the major objective to estimate the building demolition projects in Taiwan, we retrieved data in the National Industrial Waste Declaration System (Environmental Protection Administration) and other data (Construction and Planning Agency) from July 2008 to September 2009 and used the technique of data mining and decision tree to estimate the output of demolition wastes from building demolition projects, which generate a simple rule set for construction wastes effectively controlled by the competent authorities. Because of administrative human resource is insufficient, management affairs of demolition waste are difficult to total control. Based on above reason, this study tried to develop a total E-DemolitionWaste Management System (e-DWMS).The information technology includes Radio Frequency Identification (RFID),Global Positioning System (GPS), Vehicle Detector, Car License plate Identification, Weight in Motion, ASP.NET, SQL,and CCD monitor are used to establish the e-DWMS. e-DWMS contain vehicles management, demolition waste subsystem and website query interface. After a short term validation in field, the e-DWMS own significance influence in efficient and improvement on process of demolition waste. Administrator would get more detail information about demolition waste in truck immediately, and the illegal dispose of demolition waste should be effectively prohibited. The e-DWMS is a remarkable assistant tool in demolition waste management. Implementing good strategy of waste minimisation and management on construction projects will help reduce the significant quantities of demolition waste sent to landfill and make a substantial contribution to sustainable development. The purpose of this strategy is to assist construction clients, design teams and main contractors reduce waste on their construction projects. More efficient use of materials would make a major contribution to reducing the environmental impacts of construction including reducing demand for landfill and the depletion of finite, natural resources. This would also contribute to the economic efficiency of the sector and of the taiwan as a whole.Major improvements in materials efficiency are possible, without increasing cost, by: minimising the overall creation of waste resulting from, for example, overordering or inefficient design; reducing the quantity of material sent to landfill during the construction process through effective waste management; recycling materials already on the construction site into the new construction project; using more recycled materials and mainstream products with higher recycled content. This research is to study the reduction plans as well as the 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) actions adapted by the advanced countries for reduction of building demolition waste. The objective is to develop action strategies for reduction of the building demolition waste in Taiwan, based on the local market, codes, and regulations. The results of this study to establish a demolition waste knowledge management system to facilitate government agencies and construction industry for use as an education advocacy


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