  • 學位論文


Key Success Factors of Product Life Cycle Management System Implementation – A Case Study of A Company

指導教授 : 王存國


產業因應全球化下,大中華的IC設計市場已成為全球競爭者必爭之地,然而市場的領先者,仍大幅投入研發創新,產品不斷的推陳出新維繫整個市場佔有率;以2010年國際大廠美國德州儀器透過購併及擴廠消息,對以中低階產品的台灣IC產業投下一顆超級震撼彈,影響了整個類比IC產業。 本個案A希望藉由產品生命週期系統導入,建立企業內產品開發平台,將IC設計產業之核心能力及流程優化,透過平台的協同合作,將研發及問題處理的過程以保存於平台上,厚植IC之研發能力。 IC設計產業著重在客製化需求、研發管理、人才管理、生產外包管理及企業內流程整合。企業策略目標希望達成產品快速上市、知識管理及增進客戶回應能力。 針對產品生命週期系統導入的關鍵成功因素,歸納整理IC設計產業,影響產品生命週期系統導入的關鍵成功因素有八項:專案管理能力、成員參與、高階主管支持與承諾、建立長期策略及營運模式、有經驗專業顧問團隊、系統整合度、擬定績效指標及檢討過去系統導入背後原因,提供IC設計產業之產品生命週期管理系統導入前參考。


The Great China market has become an extremely competitive territory for worldwide IC design companies since globalization is strongly underway in semiconductor industries. Fierce competition does motivate Taiwan IC design companies, who mostly penetrate in low and middle levels product market, to implement Product Life Cycle Management System to compete with international companies who have gained market shares by acquisition, merger and factory expansion. This research takes A Company’s project execution as example. Through implementing of the Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) System, the system helps to optimizing the company’s core product development process and procedure, and then enhancing its capability of product development according to previous researches and problem-solving experiences. IC design industry puts great emphasis on customization fulfillment, research and development management, human resource management, product outsourcing management, and internal procedure integration. Therefore, with the PLM system, the company can shorten product launch cycle, achieve better knowledge management, and then enhance its customer relationships. Through the analysis of A company, the key success factors of implementing a PLM system include 8 elements: capability of project management, team involvement, support and commitment from top management, setup long term strategy and working mode, assistance from experienced consultant team, maturity of system integration, performance index setting, and lesson learned from previous implementation. In this study, we provide guidelines for IC design companies when implementing of a Product Life Cycle Management System.


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