  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 滕曉雲


律師事務所面對訴訟制度變革、非律師團體之法律援助,律師錄取政策之改變,產業大量外移企業相對減少等原因,致競爭者增加,服務對象減少,職業環境變遷,業務量縮減,加上整體經濟環境之影響,產業外移併發症,非企業之個人客戶人口流失,及台灣加入WTO及兩岸簽署ECFA開放外國及大陸律師來台競爭等情形,律師行業形成高度競爭市場,無論是個人執業律師或公司組織型態之合署型經營模式,早有從如何執行業務,提升至如何經營事務所之危機意識。   本論文地域以涵蓋全台灣各地區作為探討,且以中小型律師事務所為對象,僅就經營策略、競爭優勢兩者加以分析,冀望透過本論文能提供個案事務所未來經營方向與指針,使自己及同仁更瞭解整個台灣地區律師事務所在產業環境中所面臨變動因素,對個案經營績效是機會或是威脅之初探,及經營成效不彰之疑慮,提供正打算變動經營模式之同仁們,如何選擇符合自己利益之經營模式作為参考,並用以由目前的一片紅海市場,提升、跨入藍海領域,除不致被洪流淘汰外,並可收經營管理之綜效。


With the change of environment, there are many new challenges for lawyers in Taiwan, such as the reform of litigation system, legal assistance from informal law-service group, the increase of competitors because of the change of lawyer recruiting policy, the shift of employment structure, the shrink of business amount, the new impact from overall environment, the move out of domestic industries, the issue of Taiwan enter WTO and sign ECFA,the drain out of clients and opening-market policy for foreign and mainland China lawyers. It is also because of these new challenges, the law service industry has become a highly competitive market. To deal with these challenges,many lawyers start to have crisis consciousness and elevate their focus from “how to boost their business amounts” to “how to maintain sustaining development for their law firms”. The thesis studies focus on Taiwan area and the size of the law firms is limited to medium-sized ones. This thesis adopts Michael Porter''s Five Forces Model to analyze the competitiveness in law service market. I hope this thesis can help myself and my employees in my law office to understand the environment and the direction we can improve in the future. Besides,the thesis can also serve as the reference for my firm to change business model to fit the future benefit. Furthermore, the thesis will remind us to annovate for the goal of entering the niche market, and then management will be efficient at the same time.


8. 台北律師公會網站。http://www.tba.org.tw/
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