  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Court Auction in the Real Estate Market–Perspective of Law and Economics

指導教授 : 曾明遜


「法拍不動產交易制度」係指債權人為滿足其金錢債權,依強制執行法及相關法令規範,聲請地方法院民事執行處強制查封、拍賣債務人之不動產,由拍定人或承受人依法定程序買受後,債權人就該賣得價金而受清償之交易制度。法拍不動產因具有按拍次減價拍賣之特性,相較於一般不動產交易價格為低廉,乃係吸引有意購置不動產者之主要誘因,造成法拍不動產之市場佔有率逐漸提高。然而,標購法拍不動產之程序,常令欲購置者望而怯步,實際上簡單的出價搶標過程,隱含諸多須待標購者處理之法律問題,更有遭受損害之可能。有鑑於經濟分析得檢視人類對法制規範之回應,同時客觀評估法制規範之效益,為彌補過去相關研究僅以價格機制或法學見解,分析法院拍賣不動產過程;本研究即透過法律經濟觀點,利用交易成本分析方式,探討法拍、金拍、銀拍不動產交易流程及交易成本相對關係,以及阻礙法拍不動產交易買受人取得占有之重要課題,另採訴訟判決整體分析方式,檢視法拍不動產交易糾紛之爭訟案件。   由分析結果得知,買受人取得占有為法拍不動產交易流程中,交易成本相對高昂之程序,同時衍生債務人破壞房地、債務人與第三人假造租約、房地異主狀態導致拆屋還地等糾紛爭訟。參與法拍不動產交易制度所付出之交易成本,相較於金拍及銀拍不動產交易制度為高昂。現行不動產租賃關係採取占有或公證之公示方法,因公示效果不足,導致債務人與第三人偽訂租約之情形,阻礙買受人取得占有。民法第八百七十七條之一增訂施行後,採取建物及其基地使用權之併付拍賣,以財產法則保障建物買受人之財產權,避免拆屋還地降低社會產值,惟土地資源利用可能呈現無效率狀態。綜上發現,本研究建議宜降低法拍不動產交易流程中,法院委外鑑價及核定底價,鑑定人勘估標的,有意標購者調查現況及繳納保證金,買受人繳付價金、申辦貸款及取得占有等交易成本支出。不動產租賃關係公示宜改採登記方式,針對相關法令規範宜增列租賃權登記;排除未經登記之不動產租賃契約,對於買賣不破租賃原則之適用;擴大法院執行點交範圍。民法第八百七十七條之一宜改採對於土地所有人補償權利之保障,致使基地使用權縱為無償之使用借貸關係,建物買受人仍須給付使用對價,同時避免資源配置不當之情形。


“The court auction real estate transaction institution” is in order to let the debtor can pay off the creditor's rights. The winner of the auction or the expromissor purchases the real estate is according to Compulsory Execution Law, which applies for the civil execution by the court to seal up and auction off the debtor’s real estate. Due to the reduced price by the frequency of auctions, the setting price in the court auction is relatively lower than other markets. Thus, it provides incentives for the public to consume in the auction market. As the result, the market share of the court auction real estate has been increasing gradually. However, the public often refuse to get involved of the market because of its highly controversial bidding procedure, which will potentially damage the gains from the transaction. According to the economic analysis of law can inspect the legal system, simultaneously appraise the benefit of the legal system objectively. This study depends on the law and economics perspective, using the transaction costs analysis to discuss the court auction, the TFASC auction and the bank auction between the transaction process and the transaction costs, also in the hindrance of the buyer obtained the real estate. In addition, using the litigation analysis to inspect the dispute of the court auction.  Know by the analysis result, the transaction costs is relatively prohibitive when the buyer wants to obtain the real estate in the court auction market. Simultaneously, it makes a lot of disputes about the debtor destroyed the building, the debtor and others forged the lease and the land owner asked to escheat the land. The participators in the court auction pay more transaction costs than the TFASC auction and the bank auction. The present method to reveal the real estate lease is insufficient, it causes the debtor and others forge the lease to hinder the buyer obtained the real estate. After Civil Law 877-1 dispensed, it adopts the way to auction off the building and the land usufruct contemporaneously when the land and the building belong to the different owner. It assumes the property rules to guarantee the building buyer’s rights. But it might cause the inefficiency of the resource operation. To conclude, this study suggests to reduce the transaction costs for the court, the assessor, the bidder and the buyer. The real estate lease should register. The unregistered real estate rent contract should not be suitable for the principle of Sales Can not Devastating Lease. The jurisdiction of the court should augment to deliver the real estate. Civil Law 877-1 should adopt the liability rules to guarantee the land owner’s rights.




