  • 學位論文


The Effect of Social Capital、Knowledge sharing behavior and purchase behavior of Health Food

指導教授 : 洪秀婉


近年來個人健康意識抬頭,民眾對於健康知識和健康支出需求日漸增加,因此宣導健康知識的社群團體因應而生。許多健康社群透過定期舉辦健康促進活動提供健康諮詢,個人可藉由社群內知識交流的機會,獲取有益健康的相關訊息並從中取得所需的社會支持和資源。本研究旨在探討鑲嵌於健康社群內的社會資本(結構資本、關係資本、認知資本)對於參與成員健康知識分享行為的影響,並進一步分析其對健康食品實際購買行為之關係,以作為健康社群營造之參考。   本研究蒐集288份樣本,以statistica軟體分析樣本,結果表示本研究的測量模型具有良好的信度、效度。結構模型結果則發現(1)健康社群的「結構資本」對其成員的「知識提供行為」與「知識集取行為」皆呈現不顯著;(2)健康社群的「關係資本」與「認知資本」,皆對其成員的「知識提供行為」與「知識集取行為」呈現正向顯著關係;(3)健康社群成員的「知識集取行為」對健康食品「購買意圖」呈現正向顯著關係,而「知識提供行為」對健康食品「購買意圖」則呈現不顯著;(4)健康社群成員的健康食品「購買意圖」與「購買行為」呈現正向顯著關係。


In recent years, health consciousnesses of individuals have raised up, and the public demand for health knowledge and expenditure also have gradually increased. Hence, there are many health communities which advocate health knowledge for public. Many health communities offer advices of health issues by holding health promotion activities. According to the chance of sharing knowledge in health community, individuals gain healthful information, social support and related resources. In this study, we explore how the social capital(structural capital, relational capital, cognitive capital) which embedded in healthy community affect members’ knowledge sharing behavior, and in turn enhance health food purchasing behavior.   This study had collected 288 samples, analyzing with the statistica software. The empirical results of this study reveled that there is good reliability and validity in measurement model, and also showed in the results of structual model:(1)the structural capital has no significant relationship with members’ knowledge donating and collecting behavior;(2)both the relational and cognitive capital positively affect members’ knowledge donating and collecting behavior;(3)members’ knowledge collecting behavior positively affect their purchase intention for health food, but their knowledge donating behavior has no significant effect on purchase intention for health food;(4)members’ purchase intention for health food positively affect their actual purchase behavior.


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