  • 學位論文


How to market by forwarding online contents among Facebook members?

指導教授 : 粟四維




With the popularization of computer networks, the time that people use the Internet increases. In recent years, the Facebook has become a popular social networking site, because it makes people can sustain interactions with others online, exchange and maintain the social networks. In the literature of Web2.0, seldom studies used a specific function of the virtual community as a research. Thus in this study, we focus on the Facebook members who use the “News Feed” and forward messages to the others. One on the Facebook delivers information to his/her friends one by one. This formation of viral marketing is more rapid and effective. The experimental data are collected from the Facebook members who use the “News Feed” frequently in Taiwan and we conduct a questionnaire to measure the effects of the members to each constructs and hypotheses, and then use SPSS and AMOS software to test the hypotheses and verify the proposed research model. The results showed that the behavior of the Facebook members transmitting via the “News Feed” will have positive effects on the self-efficacy, image outcome expectation, perceived enjoyment, and altruism trait. On the contrary, the social interaction increase among friends, community identification, the perceived usefulness and self-presentation during using the “News Feed” transmission will not enhance the intention and behavior of message transmission. The results of this study can not only provide the scholars who are interested in research of the potential influences on marketing by the Facebook, but provide the merchants recommendations of marketing strategy through the Facebook to raise the development of marketing on the Facebook and improve the effectiveness and competitiveness in the virtual community.


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